It’s nonstop eating over here. I just posted about Thanksgiving #1 and today we gorged on Thanksgiving #2, in the form of Saturday lunch. My American friend decided to invite a bunch of us over with our families and she cooked up a veritable storm of food to feed a small crowd. She’s also taken decorating for the holidays to a whole new level… I thought the apples holding the tea lights were made of wood, but they’re real!
It was a very Southern style of American Thanksgiving food, with side dishes that included what they call “dressing” in place of “stuffing” and a classic mac ‘n’ cheese. Paulo really liked the yam/sweet potato dish, and the cake made with Coke took me by surprise (in a good way, since I don’t even like Coke). Paulo and I were so full from lunch that we completely skipped dinner.
We are thankful — and lucky — to experience Southern hospitality in Northern Portugal!
{ More photos in the album. }

photo by Paulo
November 28, 2015
Album: Portugal [Autumn 2015]
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