Lifestyle Magazine

"Thank You" Said the Bride and The Groom

By Innstilettos

There is still a lot to be said about a "thank you."  Who doesn't like to feel appreciated for coming to an event and being acknowledged for giving the perfect gift.  It is one of those traditions I am not willing to watch be tossed out the window.
I love my computer, the Internet, Twitter and Facebook.  I have to...I'm a Blogger.  Yet there is something really magical when receiving a hand written note from someone in the mail.  These days the only correspondence I receive is from the electric company, cable company and the doctor's office.  So getting a "thank you" instead of a "please pay" is often a nice diversion.

I know many of the younger generation will scoff at the idea of wasting time sending out 50 to 100 thank you's.  Who has time?  You.  Make the time.  Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind when faced with the task...
1.  Please do not send out a Twitter or Facebook announcement thanking the people who attend your wedding for coming and their generosity.  To be honest, I think it is worse than not sending out a card.  Do this only if you plan on sending a card in addition to the shout out.

2.  Don't worry about being specific about naming the gift...unless it was out of this world a family heirloom.  These were demands made by the matriarchs of years past which only added pressure to the task.  People just want to be acknowledged.
3. Don't wait a year to mail them.  While this was once acceptable when the art of taking pictures was mush more cumbersome, today we are blessed with digital pictures.  So the excuse of having to wait for the photographer will go out the window.

4.  You don't have to send a wedding photo to everyone.  We did in the past but lets face it....your boss is not going to hang your wedding picture up in their living room.  Send pictures to relatives and close friends.
5- There are many interesting thank you cards on the market but I loved the idea by Botanical Paperworks-  They offer a thank you card embedded with flower or herb seeds.  So when your guests receive the thank you, they can then plant the card and enjoy watching their flowers grow.  Love this!!!  The also offer plantable envelopes as well for an additional cost.
 Kisses, Deborah 

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