Every once in a while
I will think about unimportant things like the fact that Zahara's biological dad doesn't even send her birthday and Christmas gifts anymore, or the fact that he lied about his income so that he pays very little child support each month.
Then I just remember what a friend told me a while ago. She said "Zakia, don't waste your time
fighting for a child who has it all, Zahara has everything she needs and wants." So that brings me to my next thought... Yes, my baby is very blessed but I can't take all of the credit. I must thank my husband for being such a good father and treating her like she is his biological child. Do we thank the good men in our lives
enough? I tell my husband that I appreciate him but I don't tell him as much as
I think about it; maybe I should tell him more often. I remember the days when I would wake up stressed about money. Now I wake up happy and so grateful to have such a wonderful husband and daughter by my side. Life really gets better when you appreciate the things that you do have and worry less about the things that you don't have yet. Take some time out today to thank the people that help you, and thank God for those that left because they made you stronger.