Gadgets Magazine

Texting on Smartphones Muddling Teen’s Brain Functions

Posted on the 20 February 2017 by Ruby Mariah @rubymariah22
Texting on Smartphones Muddling Teen’s Brain Functions

Since the technology in the shape of smartphones has penetrated in our lives, even the current generation from the stage of the toddler, pre-adolescents, adolescents and teens gets obsessed with the use of smartphones and digital world. Most importantly texting is significantly integrated within the jeans of our young generation.

Teenagers in the current scenario communicate mostly through text messages and it often causes them neurological problems. In order to find out more about the negativities of texting on teen’s brain via smartphones, a research led by the team of Mayo clinic and William Tatum find out by experimenting on 129 patients. The brain waves analyzed until 16 months with the help of electroencephalograms (EEGs) having the video footage as well. Dr. Tatum, the director of the epilepsy monitoring unit has found out the unique “texting rhythm” 1 out 5 patients who were obsessed with texting by using their smartphones their brain waves monitored by the researchers.

The researcher told their patients to perform things like do messages, texting and finger tapping as well in order to examine the test of attention and cognitive functions. Surprisingly, only the texting was the only activity which caused muddling of the newly observed brain function.

The public health officials in the United Kingdom strictly advise parents that they should not let their fewer than 16 age young kids to not – necessary texting and calling on their smartphones. The officials further stated that excessive texting and calling may lead kids to words the psychological, physical and social problems like anxiety, depression, temper issues and as well as brain cancer.

The use of the smartphone in young kids affects cognitive growth in the teenage brain. Cognition is related to, how we think, how to make decisions; and how we enable to perform and recall information. The cognition is the important thing which is attached to the educational activities and creative potential of every young individual and also for the whole society.

What Measures Should Parents Take in Order to Protect their Young Kids?

We all know that the school education nurtures us well in order to compete in this fast world, but before school education, there is an also pre-education of our parents who used to of guiding us what is good and bad for us. So it is the parents who can educate their young kids that extreme of everything always went wrong. The following things parents should teach their young kids.

  • Parents should guide their kids about the exact use of smartphones
  • Parents can educate their kids that smartphones are the technology which should use only for few things like calling when it needed, do texting while it so necessary and get entertainment for specific time period.
  • Tell your young kids don’t use smartphones excessively
  • Make your kids understand how a smartphone is bad for health.
  • Be friendly with your teens in order to make an environment where your kids understand you well.
  • Set an age role for your kids in order to use the smartphone and they understand well in which circumstances they should use their smartphones.

Parent need to protect their kids’ activities by using the TheOnespy smartphones monitoring software.

TheOneSpy monitoring application enables parents to protect their kids and also monitor all of the activities on their smartphones. Now parents should take a deep breath with ease because if you think your teens is obsessed with their smartphones, he or she is always busy to use their smartphones and do texting to their friends. Now get the monitoring application and start tracking all the text messages and iMessage monitoring by using the spy on SMS messages spy feature.

The social websites and apps are very popular among the young kids and their fore they mostly use social messaging apps i.e Yahoo, Hangouts, Line, Tinder, Tumblr, Instagram, IMO and many others. Parents can monitor all of the activities performed by their kids on instant messaging apps. Younger generation always think ahead compare to their parents and they usually put passwords and their smartphones, parents even can monitor all the email keystrokes, password keystrokes, Messenger keystrokes and SMS keystrokes by using the Keylogger feature. Parents always want to know where their teens are going with their friends for playing and in case their kid did not tell you the location, then track GPS location, view location history, view current GPS location, view weekly tracking history, you can mark safe and restricted areas you just need to use Track GPS location tracker of spy application.

Parents even can get access to the Emails sent or received by their kids with the help of monitor emails feature. This does not end yet, parents can capture screen shots, view photos of their teens in the gallery, track all the videos and listen to their voice recording through view multimedia files feature. If teens are used to of calling all day long than record voice call and view calls history through TOS spy on calls feature. Now bring the world no.1 powerful monitoring app and start monitoring of your loved one having the complete time stamp, it provides you quantity with quality within affordable price.

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