Two new polls show the senate race in Texas is very close. The Vox Populi Poll (done between September 16th and 18th of 508 likely Texas voters) has the race dead even at 50% for each candidate. The Public Policy Polling survey (done on September 19th and 20th of 613 Texas voters) has Cruz leading by a scant 3 points (48% to 45%).
This is very good news for Democrats in the Lone Star State. But there's even better news, and it comes from the respected Cook Political Report. That report rates each race as Solid, Likely, Leaning, or Toss Up. A few months ago, the Texas senate race was rated as Solid Republican.
But O'Rourke has been chipping away at Cruz's lead, causing that rating to slide to Likely Republican and then to Leaning Republican. Now they have released a new report (see below). They now rate the Texas senate race as a Toss Up. That means they no longer see either party as having an advantage in that race, and it could be won by either O'Rourke or by Cruz.
NOTE -- They also rate three other senate seats held by Republicans as Toss Ups -- those in Arizona, Tennessee, and Nevada.