Sadly, New York City has been the site of a new terrorist attack. A man (evidently a muslim fundamentalist) rented a pickup and drove down a bike path -- killing 8 people and wounding another 15.
As expected, Trump is already trying to make some political hay out of the tragedy. He tweeted that these terrorists cannot be allowed to come to this country. I assume he was talking about his effort to ban muslims from certain countries from entering the United States. The problem is that his silly (and bigoted) ban would not have prevented anyone entering from this terrorists country of origin. He was from Uzbekistan -- which is NOT on any list that Trump has submitted.
It wouldn't surprise me if Trump also, in the next few days, tried to use this attack as an excuse to get sanctions applied against Iran. He has repeatedly said that Iran is the biggest supporter of terrorism (inferring that they support the terrorists attacking Western countries). That is simply not true.
Iran is a shiite nation. They do support some groups (like Hezbollah, which acts in the Middle East). But they don't support the main terrorist groups attacking Western countries. Those groups are ISIS and al-Queda, and both are sunni fundamentalist groups. Members of either ISIS or al-Queda would not last long in Iran -- and in fact, Iran has troops helping Iraq (another shiite government) fight against ISIS.
Iran is not a friend of the United States (which is understandable since the U.S. overthrew their legal democratic government decades ago and installed a dictator - the Shah). But they are NOT the supporters of terrorism in the West. Most of that support comes from sunni countries -- like Saudi Arabia (which is supposed to be our friend).
Don't let Trump demagogue the issue and lie to you -- about his muslim ban, or about Iran.