Books Magazine

Terror Data Debate About Government Requests for Data – Bill Gates

By Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters

Terror Data Debate should start as per Bill Gates

The recent tussle between Apple and the FBI calls for a terror data debate – Bill Gates

There has to be set norms for terror data requests by the government, says Bill Gates

Terror Data Debate About Government Requests for Data – Bill Gates

Photo credit: cliff1066™ via Visual hunt / CC BY

Norms need to be set for all telecom and other companies for providing terror data when requested by the government. A recent tussle between Apple and the FBI calls for a terror data debate says Bill Gates. The FBI wanted access to the complete history data of a dead murderer’s phone from Apple. Apple refused to oblige the FBI. This should immediately be taken into account. A debate must start about any kind of government requests for such kind of data as opined by Bill Gates. The fight between the FBI and Apple is lingering on for last few days and has reached to an extent of knocking the doors of court. FBI wanted Apple to unlock the iPhone owned by Syed Rizwan Farook. Farook killed more than a dozen of innocent people in December last year. Is Apple worried in losing business if they oblige the FBI with this terror data?

Terror Data Debate About Government Requests for Data – Bill Gates

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On one hand the FBI is seeking data related to Farook for investigation purposes. On the other hand, Apple has plainly refused to provide so saying the FBI order is risky and exceptional. Bill Gates in a discussion with the Financial Times stated that this is a particular case where the FBI is seeking data access. If they had asked for complete data of all customers, it could raise an objection. But for a specific case with a valid reason, Apple should not get into such kind of resisting mode. He further opined that the case is not different from government agencies seeking data from telecom and banking sector. In another interview held with BBC, Bill Gates said the issue has reached to an extent where a debate has become a necessity. The controversial point raised by Bill Gates is that on one hand government assures to protect citizens and on the other hand, in such critical conditions, the government wants this data to be exposed. He emphasized that the question is about the availability of such data to the government. Should agencies like the FBI stay blind or they should have all the rights to access data.

Terror Data Debate About Government Requests for Data – Bill Gates

Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via Visual Hunt / CC BY

The US Department of Justice is also seeking relevant date from Apple in the context of around 15 different cases where investigations are stuck due to lack of data. It is important to settle this issue once for all. The terror data debate must take place as early as possible as demanded by Bill Gates.

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