Fashion Magazine

Tennis Sprit // Converse and Sunglasses

By Elliefrost @adikt_blog

converse trainers tennis shorts look

how to wear chuck taylor converse and reflective sunglasses

chuck taylor converse close up in palais royal paris

tennis inspired street style look wearing converse and tennis shorts

Photos : Hugo   Converse : Jones Bootmaker // Shorts : courtesy of Koshka // Backpack : Primark // Jumper : Zara // Sunglasses : H&M

The great thing about wearing trainers is that you are free to leap around like a mad woman and not break your ankle doing it. Converse are like the wayfarer of trainers: classic and still à la mode. When I was younger we would doodle on them. I wouldn’t say no to drawing on them now, but it would be less butterfly scribbles and more navajo or something!

Even my mum has a pair of converse; it’s a definite improvement from her bright pink socks sticking out of some awful black running trainers! I have a picture of that somewhere… I should put it up on here. She’s not that bad really hehe, although she really did do that once.

I bought these a while back at Jones Bootmaker in England. It’s such a shame that Jones don’t delivery internationally, because I have been drooling over their womens sandals for a good couple of months now. Especially this pair of super simple black heels. I’m back in England for a couple of days so I’ll have to go in and have a look.

The reflective sunglasses really bring the outfit together. They echo the colour of the shorts and bit of zest to the ensemble. It’s really simple statement: they have presence but they aren’t too overpowering.

As for the backpack, it relaxes the whole look, it so much better in this context than a handbag. The acid wash and the colours go well too. I intend to get a couple of bag like this and maybe even one in leather because they are also so practical and I can carry way more stuff with me! Not that you need that much, but we all know that a bigger bag means you take more things with you that you necessarily need.

Take care,

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