Sports Magazine

Tennis Fixation Epic Review of 2015 and Big Goals for 2016

By Kselz @TennisFixation

Happy New Year! Every year at this time I like to take a look back at where I've come from and where I'd like to go, tennis-wise. And I always make sure to look at how Tennis Fixation is doing as far as providing all of you with some help and guidance with your own tennis obsession. So here's a snapshot of the going-ons at Tennis Fixation in 2015 and some goals I'd like to achieve in 2016. And if you're interested in knowing how you can amp up your own tennis game for 2016, I've got some ideas below. So read on!

Tennis Fixation Epic Review of 2015 and Big Goals for 2016

Big Accomplishments in 2015

So just what happened at Tennis Fixation in 2015? Well, quite a bit actually!

  1. Simple Endurance Training for Tennis came out in January. This course provides an easy six-week long training plan for players looking to build their endurance and fitness for tennis. It uses a run/walk protocol and teaches you how to become a runner and how to use your new skills to be an even better tennis player.
  2. The 12 Days of Tennis came out in December. This free tennis mini-course provided 12 days of fun tennis activities to help improve your game during the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
    I started coaching adult tennis in my Adult Beginner Tennis Clinic. If you would have told me when I first started playing tennis that I would one day be teaching adults to play tennis, I probably would have laughed in your face and then told all of my friends about the nut job I met earlier that day who thinks I might be able to teach tennis. I truly never thought I would feel confident enough to try to instruct others in this game and certainly not other adults. This was one of my proudest accomplishments in 2015 and is something I plan to continue and expand up in the future.
    I played on five different tennis teams this year. I went back through my tennis journal to figure this one out. That seems like a lot of teams to me and, at times, it was very overwhelming and made tennis not as fun as I think it should be. The good news is, going into this new year, I've got myself down to playing with just two teams and I think these teams are going to make me much more relaxed and help me enjoy playing the game more than ever.

My Big Tennis Fixation Goals for 2016

While I'm really proud of what I accomplished in 2015, I have several big goals that I hope to make happen in 2016. In next next week's episode of the Tennis Quick Tips podcast, I'll talk about my personal tennis goals for the year and my plan for achieving them. I have a few of them and I'm going to describe the latest tool I've put together to help me achieve those goals in the new year. I hope you'll listen in on that, or check out the show notes, so you can learn how to use this tool to help achieve your own tennis goals (that episode is called "A New and Improved Tool for Achieving Your Tennis Goals in 2016″ and will be at when it comes out).

    Tennis Quick Tips will continue to be a big focus for me in 2016 and, once again, I'll put out at least 50 episodes. I'll also be sure to include even more interviews this year since I love doing them and I think you love hearing them.
    I'll be putting out two more Tennis Mini-Courses this year, one in the first quarter of 2016 and one later in the year. The first one will focus on building mental toughness and the second on tennis fitness. I think they're going to be super impactful and will truly help you level up your game.
    I'm going to continue teaching my Adult Beginner Tennis Clinic and I hope to add a new clinic this year. This new one will be all about improving the serve so my Simple Serve Tips series from Tennis Quick Tips will come in very handy. These live coaching sessions always teach me something new about the game and I hope I can continue passing those lessons on to all of you.

So that's my epic review of 2015 and my big goals for 2016. I hope you'll continue following along with Tennis Fixation and put all of this tennis information to work in improving your own tennis game in this coming year.

And let me know about your own tennis goals and what you want to achieve in 2016. I love hearing from you and your comments truly help guide me in putting together useful content. You can leave your comment below or email me at [email protected].

Are you looking for some tennis goals and/or resolutions to make in 2015? Check out these posts from previous years for some great ideas:

Happy New Year and Happy Tennis!

Tennis Fixation Epic Review of 2015 and Big Goals for 2016

© Kim Selzman 2015 All Rights Reserved

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