Debate Magazine

Tennessee Gunowners Forum: "Curry Todd is Da Man!"

Posted on the 12 October 2011 by Mikeb302000

Tennessee Gunowners Forum:

Da Man's Mugshot

Laci got the story first. (Via Southern Beale)
Seems the Tennessee state representative who spearheaded efforts to ensure drunks with guns could have better access to liquor had a wee problem the other night:
A police affidavit saysTodd was unsteady on his feet, "almost falling down at times," his speech was slurred and he had watery and bloodshot eyes. Todd was "obviously very impaired and not in any condition to be carrying a loaded handgun," police say.
Of course, we'd be remiss if we didn't note that Linoge (Jon C. Sullivan)  and SayUncle and the Tennessee Gun Owner Forum worshipped this dude when he demanded gunloons be permitted to carry their penis substitutes firearms into bars.  After all, if we outlaw drunks with guns, only drunken criminals will have guns--amirite?  All the gunloon blogs are pretty quiet on this story
"During debate over the bill in 2009, Todd assured lawmakers that gun permit holders would be careful about not violating the ban on drinking in bars or restaurants while carrying a gun."Umm hmm.  And size doesn't matter, eh, gunloons?
We should also not forget Curry caused a bit of stir last year when he proclaimed that immigrants "breed like rats."  Of course, Robert Farago will take umbrage at the notion any gunloon might be a bit racist.
Tennessee.  What a joke.

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