While there is no way of making sure you win the lottery, there are playing tips that will significantly improve your chances. So why let blind luck do its things when you can reduce the odds of winning from 1 in 13,983,816 all the way down to just 1 in 100,000…
Ten Tips to Improve Your Chances of Winning the National Lottery

10 – In it, to win it
If you look around the web there are thousands of stories of people who accidently didn’t buy their ticket on that day that their numbers come up (that happened to be the same numbers they have played every week for years). So make sure you get a valid ticket from a lottery seller or make sure you get confirmation of your online purchase.

9 – Buy More Tickets
This is a simple one, but something most people don’t bother with. If you want to improve your odds of winning, have a great chance of those numbers coming up. Simple maths really.

8 – Don’t check them yourself
It is estimated a massive 2.1% of all lotto wins go unclaimed! While this stat is getting smaller all the time thanks to a growth in online lottery play, it still means millions will go back into the lottery owners pockets. So don’t check them yourself, get the ticket seller to do it using the lotto machine.

7 – 177 and Upwards
Lotto Tip: Make sure your numbers add up to more than 177! Why? Because according to a study of the Swiss lottery it will not only improve your chances of winning, but numbers above that amount are picked less often and therefore if you do will there are fewer winners to share with! Sounds like a win, win to me.

6 – Play only lucky dips
Lotto Tip: The human brain is a funny thing that will often pick numbers in a row or in a pretty pattern. So why not let a computer pick the numbers because at the end of the day a computer picks the winning ones!

5 – Join a syndicate!
Lotto Tip: While it will drastically improve your chances of winning, it does sadly mean you get less of the jackpot if you win. So best to stick to syndicate groups of 20 or less.

4 – Ditch the leftovers
Lotto Tip: Check out the draw numbers for a whole year and see what numbers don’t appear. Number 13 is not just unlucky, it very rarely gets drawn! So stick to those more frequent numbers.

3 – Roll the numbers
Lotto Tip: There is nothing worse than being one number off winning the jackpot So why not play ten lines that have rolled numbers. So 1,2,3,4,5,6 then on the next line 1,2,3,4,5,7 and then 1,2,3,4,5,8 and so forth. Not only will it help to improve the chances of winning, it will also make smaller prizes greater if you should win them.

2 – Déjà vu
Lotto Tip: Play the last weeks draw numbers! It is inevitable that one week’s lotto numbers will be the same as the week before. In fact, worldwide this has happened hundreds of times in various lottos and Keno games.

1 – Bad Birthdays
Lotto Tip: Never pick your numbers based exclusively on birthdays. This will exclude 28 numbers in the draw and diminish the chances of winning.