With so many changes constantly happening in the world of politics betting it can be more unpredictable than any online slot game. So why not have a flutter on the results of polls and elections in the world of British, US and European Politics...
Go with Gut Feelings
It's not enough to go with that you are seeing on the news as they will often only report news and politics one way or another. Use your own knowledge and indeed feelings to make the bet rather based on news feeds alone.
Ask Peoples Opinions
If you are sure enough on a political outcome, but still not feeling sure enough to place a bet why not ask peoples options via social media. You could have a poll or just look around at what people are saying on the situation at hand.
Stick With What You Know
Don't try to place bets on the outcome of a foreign election if you don't fully understand the reason why one will win over the other. Most of the time it will be a random bet anyway, so cut the odds down a bit by sticking to countries you are following along with in terms of current affairs.
Never Believe Polls
Who remembers the exit-polls in the last UK election? They were not just wrong, it was a white-wash for Labour and anyone going back and making a bet would have won thousands. But the exit polls showed the opposite and said it was a hung parliament. If only time travel was possible.
Don't Think, Just Bet
You don't have to be a political pundit to place a bet on the outcome of politics, you just need an opinion. You could see your bet as support for the party you plan to vote for. After all, if you are confident to give them your one and only vote you should also give them your one and only bet!
Weird World
If you don't those high odds random political bets are worth a go you should pay more attention to European politics. Almost everyone bet against the UK leaving the EU and yet it happened and you would have got amazing odds if you went back to the start of it all. So don't think those crazy odds events will not happen in politics, because they happen all the time.
Local Politics
It's not just the big political events that are worth a flutter, the smaller local elections are also worth a bet. You will need to see what bets are possible, but most the time a betting site in your country will have these smaller, localised bets to play with.
Look Out For Coupons
Its not just the card games and slots that get coupons, you might want to check your email for double bet vouchers or double deposit, that way you can bet more without having to pay more money!
Consume, Conusme, Consume!
To make the most educated bet you are better off consuming as much news media as you can. Be careful not to overwhelm yourself and also be careful not to fall into an echo-chamber of your own thoughts and beliefs. If you look at both sides of politics you can make a better judgment (and bet) on who will win.
Don't Gamble Too Much
Never gamble more than you can afford to lose and that same tip goes for all betting. Having a flutter on anything should always be a bit of fun and nothing else. Never chase your losses and never bet more than you feel comfortable with. If you think you might be playing with more than you can afford to check out these Ten Signs You Might Have a Hidden Gambling Problem.