If you have trouble getting your head down and doing your revision you might need these ten simple tips that pretty much guarantee better grades. While some people resort to essay writing services others just need a push in the right direction when it comes to studying. The latter is who these ten tips are aimed at…
1. Draw up a revision schedule and stick to it
Once you get study leave, you’ll suddenly find there are a million and one things that seem more important than revision. So draw up a timetable and make sure you stick to it!
2. Don’t leave it to the last minute
Don’t be a Crazy Crammer and try to fit eight weeks of revision into three days – it just won’t work. There just aren’t enough hours in the day and panic and adrenalin will stop you from remembering key facts.
3. Find a quiet place
Whilst sitting in your noisy local coffeeshop may seem cool and trendy, the likelihood of you being able to get any solid revision done is slim to none. So retreat to your bedroom or a quiet corner in the library and hit the books.
4. Sit up at a table or desk
Slumping makes learning difficult. Lying down makes it even harder. You are more likely to absorb facts when you’re sitting upright, with a straight back and neck. Your body takes your task a bit more seriously then.
5. Take short breaks and have snacks at your desk
It is important that you don’t revise solidly for several hours without a break. Your brain will get sluggish and you won’t be able to take information in as well. So schedule breaks of ten minutes every couple of hours and get a change of scenery. However, Don’t use breaks as an excuse to leave your revision every half an hour. Have a bottle of water and some nibbles at your desk to sustain you.

6. Use post-it notes around the house
Make a series of Post-It notes and pop them all over the house so that you can absorb key facts without even trying. You could read German dative pronouns on the cupboard in the kitchen whilst making a cup of tea. Or maybe the line of succession throughout history when you sit at the table to have breakfast.
7. Use revision guides and Cliff Notes
Revision guides are not a replacement for learning first-hand. However, they are great for summarizing key points and pointing you in the right direction so make good use of them.
8. Don’t procrastinate
Yes, it’s important that all your pencils are sharp for the exam and that you have a new rubber in your pencil case. But that job doesn’t take an hour really, does it? Colouring in your revision folder will look pretty, but will it help you in the long run? Probably not. So prepare to put procrastination to one side and knuckle down.
9. Don’t just read, write!
Reading facts from books is great, but your brain will retain the information much more readily if you actually then write down those facts in your own handwriting.
10. Do practice exam papers
Ask your school or college for a supply of mock exam papers and work on the sorts of questions which may come up. It could help save the day when you sit down at your actual exam.
Do you have any other revision tips for people reading this post? If you do why not let us know in the comments below.