Like most people, I am a sucker for a funny name; if reading a product's name makes me laugh, I will be more prone to buying it - even if for novelty reasons and just to say I've tried it. Brewing Companies were fast at figuring out that funny names sell and many breweries jumped on the funny beer name bandwagon and tried to come up with their own funny yet clever names for new beers. I guess I'll never know why most of these names came about, but my guess is probably down to the comedy factor which should, in theory, sell more units...
10 - Fox's Nob
The name is actually a play on words and isn't what you think (dirty minds). The beer got its "Fox" from the Foxes that used to live within the brewery grounds and its "Nob" due to it being the Old English for head. From what I've read the brewery is now closed so the beer is no longer being made.
9 - Bishops Finger
Bishops Finger is 5.4% ABV which makes it one of the strongest premium bottled ales available in Britain. Everything from the water, barley and hops are all from Kent making BF a product of a single county and is brewed by Shepherd Neame which is Britain's oldest brewer.
8 - Santa's Butt
The Beer got its name from a children's storybook: "And Santa sat on his great butt, enjoying a hardy brew..." The "Butt" is also a play on words as it refers to a 108 Imperial gallons barrel. The beer - brewed by Ridgeway Brewing - is apparently made to be drunk in winter as "it's popular in the North Pole".
7 - Arrogant Bastard Ale
Stone Brewing official description for this beer is written arrogantly: (I see what they've done) "this is an aggressive ale. You probably won't like it". The use of the devil on the bottle is perfect to go with the name. And remember: "You're not worthy"
6 - 668 Neighbor of the Beast
Amazing play on words from the original: 666 Number of The Beast, a concept from the Book of Revelation, but we all know it because of Iron Maiden. I don't know much about this beer apart from it being brewed by New England Brewing Co. and being ABV: 8.5%.
5 - Tactical Nuclear Penguin
No that isn't a typo, Tactical Nuclear Penguin is actually 32% ABV and is apparently the world's strongest ever beer. On the Brew Dog's website, they actually state: "Frozen by Penguins for 3 weeks at an ice cream factory..." Nice to see they have a sense of humour. This beer also was initially double barrel, aged for 14 months, frozen, frozen again, and then frozen again.
4 - Buttface Amber
Buttface is the most complex of Big Horn Brewing Company beers and has a total combination of 5 different malts and four hop varieties. People say that it's easy to drink due to its high malt character and lack of evident hops.
3 - Hoptimus Prime
The Ruckus Brewing Company's, Hoptimus Prime uses five different hop varieties, three different types of malts, and a two-week dry hopping process resulting in a full-frontal assault of hop flavour. The reason Hoptimus Prime scored so high on our list wasn't down to the play on Optimums Prime, but was down to the robot-like man on their bottle is made out of hops.
2 - Panty Peeler
Panty Peeler is brewed as a Belgian Tripel but with American boldness. The beer did undergo a name change and was originally called Extreme Polar White Bier which got translated into French: E'pluche-culotte. Now it's known as Panty Peeler and contains more coriander and orange peel then before.
1 - Skull Splitter
With a name like "Skull Splitter", a Viking on the bottle and an ABV of 8.5% you know you are going to wake up not feeling too great. The Scottish brewery, Orkney Brewery received complaints back in 2008 that its name could imply violence and feared the discontinue of the beer. But in fact, its name comes from Thorfinn Hausakluif, the seventh Viking Earl of Orkney.
If you are a beer drinker yourself and you have tried any of the following I would love to hear about it. The name is one thing but the taste is another. Also, if you are into your craft beer and you have heard of funnier beer names then please drop a comment below.