With the rise of gaming on our smartphones and tablets, it seems kind of sad that it might well mean the end of the PC. While PC’s are still going strong today you don’t see much in the way of custom built PC cases, so I have decided to celebrate those creative enough to make them by bringing you some of the very best custom built PC cases…

Legend Of Zelda: Link Computer Case Mod
If you are a nerd like me, then you will know that the Legend of Zelda games are some of the best video games ever made, so it goes without saying that I should find this Zelda PC case mod one of the best as well.

Star Wars: AT-AT Computer Case Mod
Being a nerd I do of course love Star Wars, but it seems some people love it more than life its self and one such fellow nerd have made this incredible AT-AT walker PC case. The crazy part about this case mod is that it is just a PC stuffed into a toy! Some might say what a waste of a good toy it is, but not me. I love it!

Transformers: Optimus Prime Computer Case Mod
This might well be the tallest PC case mod in the world! Standing at an incredible 7ft tall it is a true beast! The backs of Optimus Primes legs actually house lockable compartments large enough to cram cable, mouse, keyboards and printers into them! Pure Madness.

Nintendo: N64 Computer Case Mod
I am sure that quite a few nerds out there will agree with me when I say that Nintendo has not made a better console since. Not the Wii, definitely not the WiiU and not even the game-cube comes close to the N64 it was fast, had some of the best games ever made on it and let like a dream to play with. And no this step by step guide will show you how you cram a whole PC into the case meaning you can play the very latest games on it!

Star Trek: Borg Cube Computer Case Mod
Now this kind of makes sense, a square cube designed to control and house the deadest thing in the universe! Yes, you guessed it, it houses the internet!

Steam Train Computer Case Mod
Train nerds have been around for as long as I can remember, and probably a lot before that! So if you know a trainspotting nerd, or maybe someone who just has a keen interest in steam trains this is the one for them. Sadly it still runs on electricity, not steam.

Wall-E Computer Case Mod
We all love Wall-E, in fact when I posted a Wall-E custom engagement ring box in my post “Nerdy Ring Boxes” I understood just how much people love him. But will you all love him when he is in the form of a PC?!?

Batmobile: Tumbler Computer Case Mod
Poor jokes forgave it has to be said that the tumbler really was one of the best Batmobiles ever seen, and when you get a large toy one and cram a PC into it, you end up with something very, very cool indeed.

Star Wars: R2-D2 Computer Case Mod
There is something off about making a computer into a robot shaped computer when a robot is basically a robot shaped computer in the first place!

Dr Who: TARDIS Computer Case Mod
In fact, it was made by scan.co.uk and they make just about every kind of PC known to exist! But I don’t care about any of those other ones, I just care about this awesome and fully official TARDIS PC case! For me, it is the DVD or Blu-ray drive hidden behind ‘Police Box’ sign that makes it extra special, so nerdy and yet also completely awesome as well.