Humor Magazine

Ten Cute Animals Playing Poker With Their Owners Money

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
Ten Cute Animals Playing Poker With Their Owners MoneyTen Cute Animals Playing Poker With Their Owners Money

While it might raise a smile or two, these ten naughty animals are all gambling away their owner’s money! How do I know this? Because pets don’t have money, so they must have got it from somewhere. But it’s hard to be mad at them when they all look so cute…

Ten Cute Animals Playing Poker With Their Owners Money

Hedgehog Playing Poker
Hedgehog Playing Poker

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You won’t be able to read his poker face and yes he will take all your money for cat food and flea power.

Horses Playing Poker
Horses Playing Poker

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I think the horse on the left has started to eat his cards and even if he hasn’t he is showing them off to his opponent! Would I play poker with horses? Neigh! (Well I found it funny anyway).

Mouse Playing Poker
Mouse Playing Poker

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Is this mouse playing poker, or his he asleep on the cards? I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t want to cover his bets, he looks like a fighter.

Chicken Playing Poker
Chicken Playing Poker

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This is Nana the poker playing chicken and he loves it when things go her way so much that she produces eggs for all the other players!

Rabbits Playing Poker
Rabbits Playing Poker

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I’m pretty sure these rabbits are stuffed, but it still looks kind of funny. But it does worry me that the rabbit on the left seems to have the joker in his hand!

Guineapigs Playing Poker
Guineapigs Playing Poker

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I can’t work out if these are the world’s biggest Guineapigs, or they are playing with the Worlds smallest deck of playing cards.

Racoons Playing Poker
Racoons Playing Poker

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They say Racoons are dirty creatures and shouldn’t be trusted. But the neat pile of poker chips on the table tells me otherwise.

Dogs Playing Poker
Dogs Playing Poker

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Are these dogs trying to replicate the Cassius Marcellus Coolidge painting featuring poker playing dogs? No, I think they are just having a few hands before walkies time.

Cats Playing Poker
Cats Playing Poker

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I’m not even sure how you get cats to sit like this, let alone get them to play a game of poker without scratching each other’s eyes out when they lose.

Squirrels Playing Poker
Squirrels Playing Poker

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Sure I know they are stuffed, but it is so well made. I do have to wonder who on earth would buy this for their home. Whoever it is, I won’t be joining them for a quick game.

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