While when you're little deciding what you're going to be when you grow up seems like an easy decision to make. But as you grow older and you go further down your education path, the decision of what to pursue is going to get a lot more difficult. We can't stress enough how important it is to choose a subject that's right for you.
Choosing the right subject is going to influence how well you do during your academic studies, how interested you're going to be overall, whether you'll get good grades and perform well, and whether you are happy. Happiness is a major sign that's going to either tell you you're doing the right thing, or if you're completely off track.
But how do you determine whether you're making the right decision? How do you know if you should change your courses? If you're not sure how to detect this stay tuned. We're going to tell you which signs to look for, to determine whether you're happy or unhappy with the subject. The rest is up to you.
Assignments Equal Nightmares
When you get an academic assignment in a subject you love, you'll feel ecstatic to get started with it. You're going to want to do the research and writing on your own, and take the time to really get into the topic. But, if you really don't understand a subject, and you've really given it your best shot, assignments are going to feel like horror.
You're going to put them off, beg for help, and maybe not even do them, which can really seriously jeopardize your studies and future career. Better switch to a subject where you can reach your full potential through every segment instead of torturing yourself through every class and assignment.
You Are Physically Present

Think about it, if you're in a class you like, you're going to listen tentatively, because you'll want to catch all the information your professor is sharing. You're going to want to learn more, expand your knowledge and even practice your skills. You're going to be totally into it. If you're doing the complete opposite, starting into a blank space and thinking what's going to be for dinner, it might be time to get out of that course, because it's just not the right subject for you.
No Words For It
Sure, not every subject is going to be equally interesting. But if you're in a course that completely and utterly doesn't interest you, you won't be able to talk about it. You'll be so absent that you won't even be able to discuss your test questions, a certain unit you did in class today, or what was especially difficult or easy for you. Chances are, everything is difficult and boring to you, because you just don't know what it's about. If you find yourself not being able to talk about the subject in any possible way, better move along and find something that's going to capture your interest. Once you do, you'll be eager to talk about it with your colleagues, friends, parents. As a matter of fact, you'll be obsessed with it, which in the academic world isn't bad at all.
Your Grades are Bad

However, if you're truly disinterested in a subject that's simply not for you, even if you give your best, your grades will probably suffer. It's because you really don't understand it and can't get too into depth with it. And if your grades suffer so can your future success. You might pick the subject that's going to look good at your future employers, but if you were really bad at it, it won't score you any brownie points in reality. Success definitely looks better on paper.
You Struggle All the Time
If you find yourself constantly needing help with notes, coursework, assignments and homework, not to mention tests, you're in big trouble. Struggling to maintain an average at all times, is a pretty good sign of a subject not really being a good fit for you. You just won't be able to focus on it, as you'll either keep drifting off or daydreaming during classes, or you won't understand why this subject even exists. Don't struggle and find something that's going to make your academic studies better and more inspiring.
Skipping Classes
This sign might be the most obvious one, as well as the one that will get you in a lot of trouble. Not just with your professors, but also overall in life. If you see yourself not being able to get up from bed, making up excuses to not attend a class, it might be because that subject isn't for you. If the sole thought of going through another boring lecture you won't care about or understand gets you started with excuses to skip class, think about changing your subjects before it's too late. It's best to switch subject later, than staying in one that's going to influence your academic studies in a bad way.
Choosing the right subject can make a big difference right now and later on in your career. It might determine how well you perform in school and what you choose to do in life later on. Don't you want to be happy, doing something you love to do?