Teenage is the time when the body undergoes massive transformations. It is often reflected in the form of messy pimples or acne breakouts on the teen girl’s skin. However, with appropriate Teen Girls' Skin care, you can easily manage skin troubles in your teenage girls.
Tips for Teen Girls' skin care
Skin Changes in Adolescence
As she enters adolescence, the body, and skin of your teen girl transform progressively to embrace the changes of growing up. Her skin cells do not regenerate and renew as quickly as they do when she was a baby. The teenage skin is tough, resilient, elastic, and stores plenty of collagen.
The hormonal changes in her body are primarily responsible for most of the problems in teen skin. Her skin produces more oil. Excess oil and sweat trap dirt and makeup residues in her skin, resulting in clogged pores and nasty acne. These changes further emphasize the importance of a routine for Teen Girls' Skin care.
Common Problems with Teenage Skin
Due to sizable changes in her skin, as your teenage girl reaches puberty, she may experience plenty of skin troubles, from oily skin and blackheads to acne and flakey skin patches. Following are some of the most common skin problems in teenager skin:Acne
Teenage skin produces oil called sebum to lubricate hair and skin. When excess semen clogs the pores of the skin, it results in acne. It is a common problem during puberty because of hormonal overdrive. Since the facial skin has many oil-producing glands, especially on the nose, chin, and forehead, often referred to as the T-zone, these areas are more prone to pimples.
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It is healthy to expose the skin to sunlight now and then as it helps your bodies create Vitamin D. However, teenage skin is sensitive, and over-exposure of the skin to the harmful UV radiations of the sun may cause sunburns.
Cold Sores
Cold sores appear as tender blisters on the lips. Often caused by a Herpes Virus, Cold sores are highly contagious. One can get them by sharing stuff like toothbrushes, lip balm, or drinks.
The virus stays in the body for a long time and may cause cold sores again. The outbreak may be triggered by trivial things like exposure to the sun, stress, or mild illness.
It is a condition where the skin turns red, dry, and itchy. She may get itchy rashes on her elbows, knees, neck, and face. The symptoms may appear as an allergy to harsh detergents, fragrant soaps, or perfumed lotions. Certain fabrics like spandex and wool may also cause allergic reactions to teenage skin.
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It is a skin infection caused by the HPV virus. Warts tend to spread if she picks, rubs, or scratches them. These are highly transmissible therefore, it is essential to consult a doctor.
Another similar infection is the ‘molluscum contagiosum’ that can transmit through scratching. Some teenagers also get stretch marks which usually fade over time.
Simply Skin Vitamin Oil 11mlTeen Girls' Skin care Tips
Before you start with any skincare regimen for her, it is essential to know the skin type of your little girl. Different types of skin often require distinct skincare. Understanding the skin type will help you choose appropriate skincare products and follow proper tips to nourish her skin.
Skincare tips for teenagers!
Here are some common Teen Girls' Skin care tips to follow:
● Use a Gentle Cleanser - It is mandatory to cleanse her skin once or twice a day using a mild cleanser to remove dirt, dust, and makeup residues. Use a suitable gentle cleanser according to her skin type.
● Wash off Any Makeup before Going to Bed - Never let her sleep with makeup on her face. If it is not possible to wash off the makeup, you can use a pre-moistened cleansing wipe to take off the makeup, oil, and dirt.
● Exfoliate Your Skin - Use herbal, homemade scrubs or natural exfoliators to exfoliate the sensitive skin of your teenage girl once or twice a week. This practice will open up clogged pores leaving her skin more healthy and supple.
● Wear Sunscreen - Whenever she goes outdoors, let her apply a board-spectrum moisturizing sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Wearing wide-brimmed hats or long-sleeved shirts is also a good idea.
● Practice Clean Makeup Habits– Advise your teenager not to share her makeup products with anyone. Keep the applicator brushes clean to avoid the accumulation of bacteria.
● Clean Hands – Maintain clean hands before touching her face as hands may have dirt or germs. Also, keep common items like mobile phones, table surfaces, etc., clean to avoid contact with dirt/ germs.
● Use Homemade Recipes for Skin Care – Using natural ingredients like Aloe vera, sandalwood, honey, turmeric, papaya, banana, etc., for skin care and fighting skin issues is the right way. Such ingredients are pure and safe, and help teenagers to get glowing skin naturally.
● Stay Hydrated – She needs to drink adequate water throughout the day to keep the skin hydrated. Even while going out, ensure your daughter carries a water bottle with her.
● Nutrition for Skin – For her beautiful and healthy skin, your teen girl needs to have nutritious foods that provide proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Include fruits and vegetables in her daily diet to nourish her skin. Moreover, she needs to restrict her intake of junk and oily foods as this may affect her skin badly.
Hope all these teen girls’ skin care tips help your daughter yo achieve healthy and happy skin.
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