Tecno launched the Tecno Pop 9 5G in India in September last year. At that time the company launched its 64GB / 128GB storage variant with 4GB RAM. Now the company has launched its new RAM variant. The device will now be available in a total of 16 GB RAM variants with virtual RAM. But the new variant of Tecno Pop 9 5G has the same features as before. It will get a 48-megapixel Sony IMX582 camera. Let's know its price and specifications.
Tecno Pop 9 5G New Variant Price
Notably, the new variant of the Tecno Pop 9 5G comes with 8GB RAM. An additional 8 GB of RAM will be supported through memory fusion technology, that is, a total of 16 GB of RAM will be available. The new variant has 128 GB of storage. The 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant of the Tecno Pop 9 5G has been priced at Rs 10,999 and will be available for purchase on January 8 from 12 noon.
Notably, its 4GB + 64GB variant is priced at Rs 9,499 and the 4GB + 128GB variant is priced at Rs 9,999. It will be available in Midnight Shadow, Aurora Cloud and Azure Sky colors.
Tecno Pop 9 5G specifications and features
This phone has a 120Hz refresh rate LCD display. It has a punch-hole cutout for the selfie camera. The phone comes with MediaTek Dimension 6300 chipset. The new variant of the phone has a total of 16 GB RAM and 128 GB storage with virtual RAM.
The Tecno Pop 9 5G phone features a square-shaped camera module with dual rear cameras with LED flash. Its primary camera is 48-megapixel, which is a Sony IMX582 sensor. It will have an 8-megapixel front camera for selfies and video calling. The phone also has dual speakers with Dolby Atmos support.
The phone is powered by a 5000mAh battery with 18W fast charging support. It has an IP54 rating dust and water resistance rating. It has infrared sensor support, so that the phone can be used as a remote to control smart home devices. It will also get NFC support for contactless payments.