Verizon Products on Parade.
Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Boomer Voices program and have been provided with a device and six months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product.I believe that I can be productive and happy as a minimalist. However, I have to accept the fact that it's easier for me to meet many of my goals with the help of technology. I choose to believe that I'm not dependent on gizmos. But they are so convenient.

Guests received swag bags
A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to host a Verizon house party with app guru and fellow ambassador Cheryl Therrien (The Grandmother Diaries). This event gave us the opportunity to give a dozen friends from Wichita an introduction to several Verizon products and services.These products generated the most questions from the guests:

Fitbit One unboxed
- Fitbit One, an activity tracker with clip on
- Fitbit Flex, an activity tracker in a wrist band
- Belkin Net Cam that you can view via a phone or a tablet
- Tagg Pet Tracker that works with Verizon's wireless service
- Sure Response, a mobile emergency response system.
- Home Phone Connect, low cost alternative to traditonal phone service
- 4G LTE Broadband Router with Voice, internet and home phone service in one device
- Tech Coach, personalized tech support with a low monthly fee

Karen answering questions about the Fitbit One
After a short overview all products / services, we gave more in-depth information for a few that piqued people's curiosity. Then we answered questions individually for guests who wanted to learn even more.Each guest received a Verizon bag loaded with goodies and slips of paper for entering drawings. For every product they learned about, they got one slip of paper. Then they put their names in little, red boxes labeled with a product or service.

Cheryl draws Pennie's name
Guests made comments about how these products would help them or their family member to improve their health, safety or communication. I explained how I got a wake up call about my fitness now that I've used the Fitbit One for three months.I thought that I was an active person. However, the data collected by the Fitbit One showed that I need to increase my activity. My pre-Fitbit workout routine fell far short of 10,000 steps a day. This number of daily steps recommended by the Surgeon General.

We did have veggies; they just missed the photo op.
And being nudged by technology to embrace exercise is a good thing--because I ate too much baklava after the party.Thanks to Cheryl, Verizon and the party guests for a successful afternoon learning how technology can help improve quality of life.
Logging More Sleep
An App that Supports Memory
Variety Is the Spice of Fitness