2013 introduced us to the beautiful marriage of fashion and media. Resulting in their fabulous children, blog, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. And 2014 shows that this family will continue to expand.
Take Lauren Coppin Campbell for example, a beautiful, insightful, and well spoken 16 year old whose Fashion Killer blog has over 8,000 page views with many subscribers who follow her page with an array of admiration and comments. I had a chance to talk with Lauren about, how she got started, the use of media to promote ideas especially in fashion, and her thoughts on how to make one blog stand out from another. Check out what Lauren had to say, “Ever since I was young I’ve had a ‘passion for fashion’.” Coppin Campbell started off the interview in her crisp British accent. She went on to tell me how she got her start “Cutting out old clothes and putting them together.” When she was younger and how her love of fashion just seemed to progress from there.
She uses fashion to express herself, and in a way speak her mind.
Lauren first started blogging about celebrities, with gossip and bits but then it progressed to more. In 2012 she found a new creative outlet, and what started as a duo soon turned into Lauren starting the blog Fashion Killer, and all that it is now! When asked about how media is used to promote Fashion and style Lauren explained to me how there are many bloggers, but some don’t have the resources that are available to them such as connections with other bloggers and companies that want to promote their fashion brands through the blogs. And lastly to end our interview Lauren and I discussed how to make one blog or any social media promoting fashion, stand out and she stated this thought provoking sentence, “You have to just persevere and kind of just know who you are as a person and creatively, because that’s the only difference that there really is with your creative mind.”
As you can see fashion and technology have made the “fashion world” easy and accessible for all and the Fashion and Media offspring are all contributing in their own right. All the Fashion and Media “children” have had a big hand in moving along the fashion and media ties. Blogs such as fashonista.com(http://feeds.feedburner.com/fashionistacom) and gofugyourself.com, both sites that spew such information as trends, stores, and opinions on everything from anti-aging crème to who wore what at the Golden Globe. To the middle child, Facebook that host such pages as Laurens Campbell’s Fashion Killer – http://fashkiller.blogspot.co.uk (follow her also at @fashkillr on instagram and twitter). Let us not forget our online playground YouTube which host such chic video bloggers as AnnLe, PopSugar fashion and Jennifer Brooks all who host season look books, and fashion how to’s. And last but certainly not least the baby Instagram which has also gone from a small start up to the playground of fashionistas in the business and those who are hoping to get there check out @fashionfacts (which I follow) and @openingceremony which are among two of my favorites.
*** I have pictures as well*****