Books Magazine

Teaser Tuesday

By A_wondrous_bookshelf


Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by A Daily Rhythm where anyone can play along.

The Bone Season

Today’s Teaser Tuesday sentences were extracted from the book The Bone Season. I had been meaning to read this novel since it first came out in 2013, and just never got around doing it. I remember all the hype surrounding this book and the fact that the author, Samantha Shannon, was only twenty-one years old when she wrote this debut novel. I’m really liking it so far, and I’ll be posting a review soon.

“…I didn’t like the thought of sleeping out here–not with this many spirits in the air. There were more of them now, and it was getting colder. I stripped off my wet boots and socks, put them out to dry besides the flame, and zipped myself into the sleeping bag. It wasn’t warm, even with my jacket and gilet, but it was better than nothing.

Warden tapped his fingers on his knee, staring into the darkness. His eyes were two live coals, alert for danger. I turned over and looked up at the moon. How dark the world looked. How dark, and how cold.”


Teaser Tuesday

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