Spirituality Magazine

Teaching Notes: On God’s Work For The Disciple (Part 1)

By Mmcgee4
Posted on July 27, 2017 by under Grace Thoughts

We are currently sharing Teaching Notes from a discipleship seminar taught in churches more than 40 years ago.

In our most recent articles we have looked at Part 1 and Part 2 of God’s Purpose For The Disciple and God’s Life For The Disciple. In this article we will share about God’s Work for the Disciple.

[These notes are from a seminar series taught more than 40 years ago. The notes are in outline form.]

What has God called us to do while we remain on the earth?

When your life is over, will you have been successful in the work God gave you to do?

What are your long-range goals in life? What are your short-range goals in life?

Are you meeting your goals?

God’s Work for His Children

These are some basic and important questions for us to answer as God’s children. We can get our best direction for our lives from the Word of God. Look with me to the following portions of Scripture as we seek to discover God’s work for the disciple.

  • Matthew 28:19-20
  • Mark 16:15
  • Luke 4:18
  • Luke 24:46-48
  • Acts 1:8
  • 2 Corinthians 5:18-21

God has given to us the ministry of proclaiming the good news of Christ to very person possible, reconciling men and women, boys and girls, to God through Christ, and making disciples out of rebellious sinners. God’s work goes much further than just witnessing, winning, baptizing and churching. We have been called by God to disciple those we win!

Why should we spend our time discipling new Christians?

  1. A new Christian is vulnerable to the wiles of the devil.
  2. A new Christian has the potential for change and needs direction from a more mature Christian who has already experienced change in his or her life.

What is the best way to disciple a new Christian? (ask audience)

  1. Church meetings?
  2. New believers  class?
  3. Home Bible studies?
  4. Discussion groups?
  5. Personal follow-up?

Personal follow-up is the most effective way of making disciples and achieving spiritual multiplication. (Draw chart that explains the multiplication power of discipling.)

Spiritual Multiplication

Let me share with you how this spiritual principle of multiplication can affect the world during your life. Remember, this is based on your winning and discipling one person a year, while each of your disciples do the same.

  • 5th year — 32 saved and discipled
  • 10th year — 1,024 saved and discipled
  • 15th year — 32,768 saved and discipled
  • 20th year — 1,048,576 saved and discipled
  • 25th year — 33,554,432 saved and discipled
  • 30th year — 1,073,741,904 saved and discipled
  • 33rd year — 8,589,935,232 saved and discipled (more people than currently live on earth)

Let’s look at the prerequisites for making a disciple. Since this is God’s work for us while we remain on earth, we might as well get down to it.

  • Be open and involved
  • Believe in the importance of personal follow-up
  • Desire to be used
  • Be available
  • Lead a consistent life
  • Grow in Christ

Invitation: How many of you will covenant with God to witness to at least one person each week and by God’s grace to lead at least one person to Christ each year and disciple them so that they will disciple others?

[Thank you for reading these teaching notes from more than 40 years ago. My prayer is they will be a blessing to you and your ministry.]

Teaching Notes: On God’s Work For The Disciple (Part 1)


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