Family Magazine

Teaching My Children How to Help Others in Need

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

Teaching My Kids How to Help Others

A few years ago, I was eating dinner with my children before we headed off to church. We were talking and enjoying our meal, when a man walked up to me and asked me if I had a few dollars to give him so that he could get something to eat. I told him that I didn’t have any cash on me. Of course, my kids spoke up and said yes you do mommy. I was a bit humiliated because I felt as if they were trying to catch me in a lie. Normally, I don’t carry a ton of cash in my wallet and use my debit card every where I go.

So I told the man that I could use my debit card to buy him something to eat. His frown quickly turned into a smile and I went up to the counter to get him a couple of items off the dollar menu. I handed him his bag of food and he thanked me. After he left I had a talk to my children, typically, I don’t always like giving cash to everyone who asks for it. However, I am not against meeting the needs of others as long as I have it. I felt good knowing that the man had a good meal to eat that evening and that I was able to help him.

I wanted to share my story to help other people get over the stigma of helping others.

Disclosure: This story was sponsored by GiveForward and Sverve. I hope this story inspires you and your family to get involved in helping others.

Did you know that a major medical accident or illness could easily wipe out your savings, even if you have health insurance, leaving you scrambling to make ends meet? If this happened to you, a family member, or a close friend, how would you handle this situation?

Learn About GiveForward – A Fundraising Tool to Help Families in Need

GiveForward is the world’s #1 medical fundraising site. We help friends and family come together and support a loved one in need. Since 2008, we have helped families raise over 100 million to help cover their expenses during hard times. Their goal is to help others in a time of need and know that you could be blessed with unexpected joy when others come to your aid to help you.

If you are ever faced with this situation, I want you to know that you aren’t alone and that there are people out there who are willing to help others who don’t have enough money:

  • for medical expenses including travel, medical equipment, and animal services
  • out of pocket living expenses for an illness or injury
  • fund a terminal patients bucket list
  • funeral or memorial expenses

After you create your campaign, GiveForward has a team of fundraising coaches to ensure that each family doesn’t feel alone in the process and they are transparent with their fees associated with raising enough money for your campaign. Each family in need doesn’t have to worry about covering the fees, all fees are paid from by the donors who are willing to help fund your event. Not everyone knows how to help others in need and this is why I chose to share my story above.

I started my blog as a way to share my own knowledge and to help encourage others so I wanted to share this great resource with you, in case, you are faced with an unexpected illness, injury, or even a loss in the family.

Don’t forget to check out GiveForward’s new ambassador program.

Continue Reading: 13 Ways for Your Children Get Involved and Help Others in Need

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