2025 Tata Tiago Launched in India The new edition of the car adds new features, designs, and color options. The petrol model is priced starting at Rs 4.99 lakh (ex-showroom). On the other hand, the electric version has been priced at Rs 7.99 lakh (ex-showroom). This updated hatchback will be unveiled at the Bharat Mobility Global Expo. Tata Motors announced the launch of the car on social media.
2025 Tata Tiago launched in India
Judging by the teaser, Tata Tigo looks similar to the previous model. However, the design of the front grille and LED lamps may change slightly. The alloy wheel design remains unchanged. Even, the roof holds the shark fin antenna. The car is available in petrol, CNG, and electric versions. This car can be bought in five primary trims. They are XE, XM, XT, XZ and XZ.
Special features of the 2025 Tata Tiago include a new 10.25-inch floating touchscreen infotainment system, wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, LED headlights, new steering wheel with illuminated Tata logo and new digital instrument cluster. But note that these features will only be available on the top-spec XZ Plus trim.
Safety features of the car include dual front airbags, ABS with EBD, and electronic stability control system. Besides, the electric version will feature leather-wrapped steering wheel, six-way adjustable driver's seat and cruise control.
Mechanically, the new Tata Tiago does not get any upgrades. The petrol model will be powered by a 1.2 liter Revotron engine producing 84 horsepower and 113 Nm of torque. It will be matched with a five-speed manual or automatic gearbox. And the CNG variant gets 72 horsepower and 95 Nm of torque.