Religion Magazine

Tara Moving to Eida

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
The big news in kashrus today is that Agudat Yisrael has announced the removal of its hechsher from the Tara dairy production company due to Tara being caught many not following the rules.
It seems the real reason is because Tara is, expectedly, moving to the kashrut services of the Eida Hachareidis. The implied accusation seems to be that the Eida has encouraged Tara in recent months to break the rules of Agudat Yisrael in order to void the contract between them or even if just to make the break easier and more mutual. Tara has been under the hashgacha of Agudat Yisrael for 60 years.
It seems the Eida hechsher will begin appearing on tara products next week. In the meantime, during the transition period, some products continue to appear with the Agudat Yisrael hechsher and newly produced products will bear the Westheim kashrut certification.
sources: NRG, Kikar, Actualic, and more
This seems to be big news, but for the average consumer it does not really make much of a difference. Moving from one mehadrin hechsher to another, the standards are probably pretty similar. At the end of the day, this is almost entirely just business - they think they'll be attractive to more customers by using the Eida hechsher.
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