Spirituality Magazine

Tamera Mowry- Housley Says Criticism Of Her Interracial Marriage Has Gotten Worse

By Firstladyb


Tamera Mowry- Housley Says Criticism Of Her Interracial Marriage Has Gotten Worse

Christian actress, and #GirlBoss Tamera Mowry-Housley, who is married to Fox news anchor, Adam Housley says the criticism of her interracial marriage has gotten worse with the political climate that we are facing today.  

Tamera Mowry-Housley
The Real co-host told Momtastic that even though the criticism has gotten worse, her husband explained to her that it’s just teaching her to focus on the thousands who are for her, as opposed to the very few who are against her.

“I think the criticism is even worse now, with the racial tension that we’re seeing and the political climate,” Mowry-Housley said. “But my husband, who is so great, said, ‘You know what, Tamera? This is just teaching you to focus on the thousands of people that are for you, as opposed to the very few people who are against you.'” 

She continued,

“He’s right. When we first came out publicly as a couple 12 years ago, I remember a few negative comments, such as ‘never expected her to be with him,'” she recalled. “But I never expected it to reach this degree of criticism as I got older.”

Mowry-Housley whose parents are also  interracial, went on to reveal that she was not raised to see color, but to see the character in a person. *insert an Amen there*

Pic Credit: TameraMowryHousleyIG

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