
Taliban’s Islamic Emirate Came Under the US Airstrike O’er

Posted on the 08 April 2022 by Geetikamalik
Taliban’s Islamic Emirate came under the US Airstrike O’er

According to intelligence reports, the Taliban weapons depot in the Boston Billion Pound base or Shuraab Airport in Helmand Province was destroyed in air strikes. The severe explosion in the Weapon Depot at the Shuraab military base took place on Wednesday last week, a source close to the Taliban said the explosion was not caused by fire; Relatively, it is an air strike that targets the depot, followed by air strikes that destroy the depot. The Taliban did not release the details of the attack and made it a secret. Because Taliban leaders are in a precarious position now, their armed forces are still breaking rank and starting a private business. On the other hand, Front Resistance against the Taliban in northern Afghanistan has become much stronger. In addition, there are reports that combatants and activists from the government of the Republic of Indonesia, who fled to Iran after August 15, has joined resistance and fighting has increased in several districts and the Panjshir province.

In addition, this series continues, according to our intelligence, a group of fighters is still preparing a war in Tajikistan, and wants to start fighting after the upcoming Eid al-Fitr.

Over the past few days, the Taliban military leaders and officials have tried to resolve the formation of militants for Panjshir province, although there were no warriors who were willing to go to Panjshir to fight. Since then, these areas are all valleys and armed services in front of the resistance that are familiar with the area, but the Taliban does not believe in carrying out their war tactics.

On the other hand, the leaders and Taliban fighters hardline have been panic with the announcement of former US President Donald Trump. In a statement, where he said the US troops would once again go to Afghanistan to collect their remaining weapons, weapons left behind after August 15 in Afghanistan Corps, US military bases and other military bases.

Furthermore, military meetings were held in Kabul shortly after the announcement of Trump, after that, Mohammad Yousuf Wafa, Governor of Kandahar and Director General of the Military Commission 16 provinces. He was appointed to record the Taliban military base weapons and corps in 34 Afghan Provinces, as well as special special weapons, which were under the control of US and British forces before August 15. For example SHURAB Province Helmand and Boston billion pound camps, Camp Dover and Air Base Kabul Bagram, Kabul Special Intelligence Center or the Tenth Department, US Special Forces Base in Kabul, is now known as Blackwater, National Security Center Kabul Zero Unit 01, 02.

Mullah Mohammad Omar's house from Kandahar Province, which is under 03 unit control over the past 20 years and according to the information this place is under the control of Blackwater. In addition, weapons records from all Afghan corps. Every day after the registration process, a large number of military weapons and equipment transported to the Southwest Zone district.

In addition to weapons, according to the advice of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Taliban cash must be protected. This means that the cash and weapon transfer process to the southwestern district of Afghanistan continued, as far as US and Afghan troops have not been able to enter for the past 20 years. In addition, all cash and weapons will be transferred to the outskirts and only the amount of money and weapons needed which will be located in the city and military bases.

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