Redmi An 8-year-old girl from Kerala died due to an explosion in her smartphone. Xiaomi India has issued a statement clarifying the matter. A few days back, a boy died in Budaun, Uttar Pradesh due to electrocution from the charger of his phone. On the other hand, a young man from Ujjain died due to the blast in the phone. The reason for this explosion in Redmi’s phone is being investigated.
8 year old girl died
According to the report of 91mobiles, 8-year-old Adithishree, a resident of Thiruvivamala, Kerala, was watching a video on this Redmi phone, during which the phone exploded and the girl’s face was completely scorched and she died. Kerala Police has registered a case and it is being investigated. Aditisree was a third grade student in the local school there. Xiaomi India has also clarified on the explosion that occurred while watching a video on the smartphone.
Xiaomi India gave clarification
Xiaomi has said in its statement that under Xiaomi India, we keep customer safety at the top. We take such matter seriously. We are expressing our condolences to the family in this hour of grief and will try to do whatever we can to help. There are some reports regarding Redmi phone, we are keeping an eye on it and investigating. At the same time, we will help the administration in the investigation of this matter and will be ready to do whatever is needed.
It is not yet clear in which model of Redmi this explosion took place. Even before this, many incidents of blast in the devices of OnePlus, Oppo and Xiaomi have come to the fore. The reason for the explosion in the phone can be due to hardware problems or some common neglect by the users while using it.
Be careful while using the phone
- If most of the smartphones are used for a long time, then its back panel starts heating up. Such precautions should be taken especially while using the phone during summer.
- The vapor chamber cooling feature is provided in gaming and premium smartphones, which prevents the device from heating up to a great extent, but most of the budget and mid-range phones get heated up when used for a long time.
- Its back panel starts heating up quickly after watching videos, playing games, using camera and surfing the internet on the phone for a long time. In this case, we should keep the phone in a cool place (not in the fridge) and use it.
- If the smartphone is old then take it to the service center and get its battery checked. Smartphones use lithium (Li-ion) batteries, which are at risk of exploding when they get old. In this case, the battery of the phone should be replaced.