Family Magazine

Take Action For Childhood Cancer This Month

By Monicasmommusings @mom2natkatcj

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We’re halfway through the month of September. That means just over 2 weeks left for childhood Cancer awareness month. Have you taken any sort of action yet this year? I know you’re all aware. We know it exists. There’s a pretty good chance that you know someone who knows someone who has had a child with Cancer. Maybe you’re that someone one with a child with Cancer. Perhaps you were a child with Cancer.

It effects us all. Most childhood Cancer’s are not preventable. So aside from it being children who we look at and say they have a whole life in front of them, then we also have to look at there’s no way to prevent it from happening. This is exactly why I have decided to take action by going bald for St. Baldrick’s this year. I am trying to raise $5000 for childhood Cancer research.

I am hoping I never have to experience the unthinkable of hearing the diagnosis of Cancer for one of my children, but if I do I sure hope it’s one with a high survival rate. Ideally someday all Cancer will be cured. I doubt I’ll see that in my lifetime, but lets face it the only way we’ll get closer to that is with more research. And research requires money.

So I am asking you again to please donate to my campaign to shave my head. If you were looking for a way to take action this month for childhood Cancer, then here’s the way to do it. It’s so easy to donate and safe and secure and yes you can even use it as a tax write off. So won’t you please donate towards my fundraiser? Lets work together towards finding a cure for childhood Cancer.

How are you honoring children with Cancer this month?

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