Fashion Magazine

T is for Texture

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport


Texture is one of the pieces of the Style Puzzle (body shape is one piece too, yet so much is written about body shape, people think it’s the whole puzzle, instead of just being a small element of the whole).

Fabrics have different textures.  There are many sorts of textures:

  • Smooth (no texture) silk, cotton/elastane
  • Chunky (bulky and 3D texture), cable knit wool, acrylic, polar fleece
  • Fine (some texture, but the feeling is more flat than 3D or raised), ribbed cotton, some knits, cashmere, wool
  • Furry (soft and fluffy), fur, angora,
  • Jacquard (a pattern embossed into a fabric)
  • Hard (smooth and stiff), some leather. bengaline, taffeta, organza, some stiffer denim
  • Crisp (smooth and sharp), some cottons
  • Soft (fluid), satin, chiffon, velvet
  • Lace
  • Buttery (some very soft leather)

When thinking about wearing textures.  The ones you choose will depend on:

  1. Your body shape
  2. Your personality
  3. Your natural level of texture

Some body shapes work better with the more fluid and smooth fabrics, the fine, buttery and soft textures (O, X, A and 8) as the fabrics don’t add any extra bulk.  Others harmonise with the more crisp or hard fabrics (V and I).


Fabric and Personality
Fabric and Personality by imogenl featuring a blue cardigan

Personality so heavily influences every aspect of our clothing choices, what we like and dislike, how our clothing makes us feel.   Dramatic personality types will prefer smooth or furry textures (or even hard).  Classics will prefer smooth and more crisp.  Relaxed personalities will enjoy soft, buttery and chunky textures.  Creatives may like mixing textures.  Elegants enjoy soft and smooth textures.  Feminine personalities will like lace, velvet, soft and furry or fluffy textures.

It’s important to remember that the stiffer and more chunky or bulky the texture, the larger it will make you appear.  The finer, smoother, softer textures will not add extra weight to your frame.

When you think about your favorite garments, how would you describe their textures?  Have you noticed that you prefer some textures and dislike others?

Here are more posts to help you discover the right textures for you!

Finding the Right Texture and Sheen for your Skin (video)

How to Wear a Chunky Knit Sweater

How to Flatter Patterned Skin

How to Wear a Fur Vest

Wearing Lace

How to Choose a Flattering Texture

Print and Personality


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