
Symptoms, Causes and How to Reduce Bloating

Posted on the 28 November 2021 by Teragoodness

Bloating is a health issue that needs to be looked into. I have done some studies and research on bloating, and I would like to be writing an article on the symptoms, causes, and how to reduce bloating.

Symptoms, Causes and How to Reduce Bloating

Bloating is a result of a swollen stomach, especially after meals. It is caused by disturbances in the muscles' movement in the digestive system or when air, liquid or gas is stuck in the intestinal tract.

When bloating occurs, the symptoms of bloating include pain, flatulence (trapping of gas in the digestive system), belching (expelling of gas loudly from the stomach through the mouth) and gurgles.

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Having bloating reduces your working ability and participation in various events and activities.

Causes of Bloating

  1. Non – medical issues (Trapping of Gas and Air)

Gas and air are trapped in the digestive tract when eating undigested food or swallowing air while eating or drinking.

People who rush to eat or drink can experience more than others because they are bound to swallow more air than others. Other ways people consume air includes chewing gum and smoking.

  1. Medical issues

Bloating may occur due to certain medical or health conditions. These health conditions include gaining weight, reactions to food intake, heartburn, insufficiency of pancreatic juice, constipation, hookworm infections, overgrowth of bacteria around the digestive tracts, gallstones and chronic illnesses.

Symptoms, Causes and How to Reduce Bloating

Bloating caused by the trapping of gas or air in the digestive tract does not need any cause for alarm as it can be treated or controlled by asking some actions discussed below.

Some medical causes of the illness can be treated by oneself, but some require you to see a medical doctor. We shall discuss them soon as you continue to read through this article.

How to Treat/Reduce Bloating

The ways by which bloating can be reduced or treated includes:

  1. Good Eating Habit

Since many cases of bloating occur due to the swallowing of air while eating or drinking, there is a need to check the way we eat the food.

Eating should be done slowly, with chewing done correctly with ease. It is not necessary to eat food in bulky units. You can take food in small units and as frequently as possible. Don’t overeat at a time.

Do not eat your food while standing. Find a seat, feel relaxed and eat your food comfortably.

Try working around after a meal and not just keep sitting and allow bloating to take over you. Water and beverages to be taken by you should be within the average room temperature.

  1. Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices play an essential role in the treatment of bloats. Typical cases of bloating can be cured with ginger, chamomile, caraway, basil, parsley and peppermint.

Symptoms, Causes and How to Reduce Bloating

When you take herbs and spices, I will advise you to take them with caution. Most of these affect our overall health and well-being.

  1. Probiotics

Probiotics have been regarded as good bacteria as they have been confirmed to be similar to the bacteria in the human gut. You can take them as supplements against the infection.

Some food items that consider probiotics also can be taken. An excellent example of such food is yoghurt.

  1. Avoid Certain Food

Foods that you are allergic to should be avoided. If not, they can cause excess gas production, which leads to bloating. Some people bloat when they take eggs. If you are allergic to beans and eggs, the best form of help you can do for yourself is to avoid eating them.

Apart from this category of foods, proteins and fatty foods and food rich in fibre content should be taken in small quantities or avoided. It would help if you also considered drinking more water. Drinking carbonated water sometimes is not a bad idea as well.

  1. Treat constipation

Constipation is a common digestive issue that needs to be treated since it also contributes to bloating. Most of the time, it is the bloating symptoms that make it clear that a patient is having or suffering from bloating.

You can consider taking a laxative to reduce or treat constipation.

  1. Visit the doctor

If the symptoms of bloating persist after considering the above steps, then there is the need to visit the doctor.

In cases where more pain is witnessed, high fever, swelling of the abdomen, abdominal pain, bloody stools, weight loss and vomiting, what will be best for the patient is to go and see the doctor.

Visit the doctor

Pay a visit to a doctor and make an explanation of how you’re feeling. They should know what action to take and what medication to prescribe to them. All you need to do on your part is follow the doctor’s prescription and get rid of bloating.

Thanks for reading our article on symptoms, causes and how to reduce bloating. In case you find our article interesting, you can promote us by sharing the post with friends or link to your website if you have a blog.

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