Books Magazine

Sylvia Plath at Shiny

By Litlove @Litloveblog

Alas, we are a plague ship here at Casa Litlove. Mr Litlove has been very poorly with a virus and still has a dreadful cough. We thought it was a return of the Covid he caught earlier in the summer, but he tested negative. And then, I caught it. So it turns out to be just an unpleasant bug. We’re both sort of recovering, me five days behind Mr L.

Sylvia Plath at Shiny

However, I do have an offering in the form of a review at Shiny New Books. The book in question is Loving Sylvia Plath: A Reclamation by Emily Van Duyne, an academic Plath super-fan. She wrote the book to tackle the complicated subject of intimate partner violence between Plath and Hughes, a topic she felt close to because of her own personal experience, and the result is fascinating and complex.

You can read my review here:

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