Last Christmas Izebella got given a set of Sylvanian family cat characters. She has not played with them all that much as it was just the one family that she had and no play sets or accessories; until now that is.
I was contacted and asked to be part of the " friends of Sylvanian family group" this hopefully means that me and my children will be testing out a few Sylvanian families toys over the next few months.

Who are Sylvanian families?? Well they have been around since 1985, and have been loved by many people around the world. It is a nostalgic toy range that attracts people from different age groups.
The word Sylvan means 'of the forest' and the brand has three values at its heart: Nature, Love and Family.
Sylvanian families figures come as many animal species including cats, rabbits,hedgehogs, bears and squirrels, they are very cute and each one coming as a family of four (sometimes more) or as twins and individual figures. There are of course many playsets and accessories too including homes, work places, villages, cars and lots more. A whole world of endless possibility to be collected and put together. The collection is pretty vast and new figures and toys are still being added.
We have been sent a Forest nursery set. The nursery building is already assembled and comes with many parts, desks, chairs, a piano plus cardboard pieces that we fold to make books and nursery toys. Also a large sticker sheet to decorate our nursery.

The stickers go on easy enough, the cardboard pieces can be a bit fiddly to join together as they are really small.

And all we need now are a cute Sylvanian family to come and visit the nursery!

Izebella finally has somewhere for her family to go and the nursery does not look as bare now. It even comes with its own swing.
Izebella loves Sylvanian families and was quite impressed with the new nursery. She enjoyed helping to put the stickers on too.
This set is one of many that will connect to other sets, meaning lots of ideas for Christmas buys. Forest nursery is available from most good toy stores and costs approximately £18.99.

View the full collection at Sylvanian families UK.