
Swollen Lymph Nodes

Posted on the 04 November 2020 by Chandigarhayurved

Inflammation of the lymph glands can occur due to several reasons. The most common cause is infection. Consult your doctor if inflammation occurs in your lymph glands and you do not know why inflammation has occurred in them, or if the inflammation in the lymph glands due to infection does not heal within two weeks. (Sometimes called lymph nodes) occur throughout the body. The lymphatic glands that are close to each other are often in groups or chains. For example, the lymph glands on the side of the neck, axilla and pelvis are in groups. However, many other places in the body have lymph glands.

The lymphatic glands are joined together by a network of lymph channels. Lymph is a fluid that forms between the cells of the body. This water liquid travels through various lymphatic glands into the lymph channels and eventually drains into the blood stream.

Lymphatic and lymphatic glands the immune system. Are the major part of. They contain white blood cells (lymphocytes) and antibodies that protect the body against infection.

Why the lymphatic glands swell?

The lymph glands are usually pea-sized. You can sometimes feel them as lumps under the skin. People often feel their lymph glands in the neck. The lymph glands under the skin are more noticeable and easier to feel if they cause inflammation. They can be of the size of a stone or even larger.

You cannot see or feel the lymphatic glands deep in the chest or abdomen (abdomen), if swelling occurs in them.

The lymph glands can become inflamed due to the following reasons:

Infection - most common cause

The lymphatic glands near an infection quickly swell and become soft while fighting the germs (bacteria, viruses, etc.) of the immune system. When the infection ceases, the lymphatic glands usually return to their normal pea size. It may take a week or longer for the lymph glands to slowly return to normal after infection. Examples include the following:

  • Throat infections (throat infections), tonsillitis (tonsillitis), the common cold (common cold) and tooth-related infections can be caused by lymph glands in the neck.
  • Head skin or head lice (head lice) may also cause swelling of the lymph glands in the back of the head.
  • Infection of the skin of the arm can cause swelling of the lymph glands in the armpits.
  • Infections of the feet or genitals, or nappy rash (nappy rash), can also cause swelling of the lymph glands in the pelvis.
  • Viral infections such as flu (influenza), chickenpox (chickenpox) or glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis) (glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis)) affect the entire body. Swollen lymph nodes have developed in different parts of your body, such as the neck, armpits, and pelvis.
  • Cancer, lymphoma and leukemia - less common causes
  • Some cells from cancer can spread (metastases) through the lymph channels by breaking the surrounding lymph glands. These cancer cells then grow and multiply in the lymph glands and the glands swell. for example:
  • Breast cancer can spread to the lymph glands in the armpits.
  • Throat cancer can spread to the lymph glands in the neck.
  • Lung (lungs) and stomach cancers (colon cancer) can spread to the lymph glands, which you usually cannot see or feel in the chest and abdomen.
  • Skin cancers (skin cancer) can first spread to the skin area involved in the lump glands.

Lymph and cancers of the blood systems (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma), Hodgkin's lymphoma (Hodgkin's lymphoma) and leukemia's (leukemia's)) can cause inflammation in many lymph glands.

As a rule, inflammation in the lymph glands due to cancer, lymphoma, and leukemia develops more slowly than inflammation caused by infection. They are painless at first.

Other less common causes include the following

  • Reactions to certain medicines.
  • Glycogen storage disorders (glycogen storage disorder.).
  • Sarcoidosis (sarcoidosis.).
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (systemic lupus erythematos (SLE).
  • Some types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis (chronic arthritis).
  • Less common infections, such as HIV (HIV), Kawasaki disease (Kawasaki disease) and tuberculosis (TB) (tuberculosis (TB).)

Perhaps, swollen lymphatic glands may arise due to the following reasons:

What is the treatment of inflammation in the lymph glands?

Treatment depends on the cause of the disease. Swollen lymph nodes indicate various conditions, all of which vary in form and treatment. For example, the most common cause is viral infection. No special treatment is recommended in this case and the lymph glands usually return to normal after one week. However, lymph nodes due to a cancer, lymphoma or leukemia

What should I do if I notice swelling in the lymph glands?

Swollen lymph nodes are common due to viral infection. For example, the lymph glands in the neck may swell up and down, if you have frequent throat infections. This is a matter of little concern. Swelling in the lymphatic glands is of greater concern if no apparent cause of swelling appears to them. Tell your doctor if:

You see swelling in the lymph glands and you do not know why there is swelling. For example, you are not prone to infection that can cause inflammation in the lymph glands.

If you find a swollen lymph gland just above or below the collar bone (clavicle). Swelling of the glands in this area can be a cause for concern.

The inflammation in the lymph glands ceases within two weeks due to infection.

Lymph nodes are not one but many glands that form in various parts of the body such as the back of the jaw, the armpit, behind the ear, behind the ear, behind the head, etc. Its main function is to smooth the immune system so that the body can fight harmful germs. But for some reason there is inflammation in the lymph nodes, this problem is called lymphadenopathy or lymphadenitis. Due to this, infection in other parts of the body can also occur. Apart from this, problems like cold, tonsils, gingivitis, skin infections, etc. can also occur. To reduce swelling of the lymph nodes, you can try home remedies. In this slideshow we are telling about those tips.

Fomentation with hot water

Foment with hot water to reduce swelling in the lymph nodes. When the warm temperature is in contact with other organs of the body, the blood circulation of the body increases and swelling decreases. For this, heat the water and soak a clean cloth in it and keep it on the inflamed area for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat this action several times a day until the swelling is gone. You can also clean the swollen area with hot water.

If there is swelling in the lymph node found in the throat or in the jaw, gargling with salt water provides relief soon. Salt and water reduces inflammation of the lymph node. For this, heat a cup of water lightly, add half a teaspoon of salt to it. Then gargle with this water. Repeat this several times a day until the swelling subsides.

Garlic has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that remove any infection easily. For this, eat 2 or 3 buds of garlic. Use garlic in food also. If the problem is more serious then massage with garlic oil 2 or 3 times a day. This will bring relief soon.

Apple vinegar is considered very effective in reducing inflammation of the lymph node. This increases the pH level of the body, which increases the body's immunity. Also, the antibacterial properties present in it also prevent infection. For this, mix apple cider vinegar with equal amount of water and soak it in a cloth and apply it on the inflamed area. Use it twice a day. Apart from this, one teaspoon apple vinegar, one teaspoon of honey mixed with water, it is very quick to eat.

Turmeric is very effective.

Turmeric has many properties, it also has anti-inflammatory properties that reduces any type of inflammation easily. It also prevents infection and by using it, any type of wound also heals easily and quickly. Take a spoonful of turmeric and honey and make a good mixture, apply it on the inflamed area and leave it for 10 minutes, then clean it with lukewarm water. Doing it twice a day provides quick relief.

Kapha tablet is a healthy blend of herbs formulated to balance Kapha doshas without aggravating Pitta and Vata doshas. It can also be used to alleviate any temporary Kapha imbalance. It is very effective in Kapha season that is late winter and spring. It consists of warming and astringent herbs that help to balance the system throughout the cold season. The main use of Kapha tablets is to remove excess Kapha doshas from the system and helps in the management of weight, healthy lungs, and the immune system.

Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.

Kanchnar Guggul is an Ayurvedic and Herbal medicine. It is available in the form of a tablet and it is to be taken orally. They are processed by decreasing the decoction of vegetable substances to a thick density and after pouring some powders for creating a pill mass. CAC Kanchnar guggul is pure herbal medicines which checks and treats any kind of abnormal growth in the body, healing of ulcers, thyroid disorders, hernia, lesions and cancer.

Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.

Trikatu Syrup is purely Ayurvedic formulation made up of three herbs. CAC Trikatu Syrup helps to eliminate excess Kapha or mucous from the body, supports respiratory system, manages weight, helps to take out impurities or ama from the body, supports healthy detoxification, reduces swelling. It shows anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, antioxidant properties. This syrup is made up of equal parts of three herbs such as Pippali (Piper longum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), & Marich (Piper nigrum) that maintains the metabolism in the body.

Recommended Dosage: Take 2 tablespoon twice daily with normal water.

Cough Detox Powder is herbo-mineral sachets which are purely Ayurvedic formulation. These sachets mainly balance Vata and Kapha Doshas. It is a good Expectorant, expels phlegm from lungs, relieves exhaustion, and provides energy. It is a mixture of some ayurvedic ingredients containing talisadi churna, abharak bhasam, godanti bhasam, lakshmi vilas rasa, yashti madhu churna, tankan bhasma, kaph ketu ras. These ingredients have antitussive and mucolytic properties which help in loosening the mucus accumulated in the chest and makes it easy to cough out.

Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.

Curcumin Capsules is a herbo-mineral capsule of size 500 MG which is 100% safe and is purely ayurvedic formulation. CAC Curcumin Capsules helps in pacifying all three doshas. Curcumin Capsule is beneficial for variety of skin conditions like Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dermatitis. This Capsule contains standardized extract of the herb Curcumin (Curcuma longa). Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric having powerful Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-microbial and Antioxidant properties.

Recommended Dosage: Take 1 Capsule twice daily with normal water.

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