Family Magazine

Swine Flu and Kuwait’s Hospital

By Umkhaloodie

So you all know Oodie has been sick.
I requested he be tested for swine flu since he has every single symptom minus the aching body ( he’s too young to explain that even if he did have it )
I was greeted with, La2 la2 no need inshallah la2′
Well- no- I’m sorry, you can’t tell by looking at someone if they have swine flu or any other kind of flu. Yes, you can see a runny nose and hear a cough but that’s it.
He had all the symptoms of swine flu. His fever has now passed. He has had two lots of antibiotics and the last lot of antibiotics he had are given for meningitis (yes, that’s how strong they are).
After two days he didn’t appear to be getting any better. The doctor then agreed to do the test. We are now waiting for the results.
I understand that swine flu is named as it sounds and has been renamed to H1N1 … Ok, no biggie. Don’t care what my child has or where he got it from or where the source is- I just want him to get better.
To make matters even easier for me today (note the sarcasm) Alooi’s temperature also spiked and she now has runny nose (worse than she did have) and a cough…
I did a search on twitter and It does seem to be appearing again, outbreaks in Nepal, India, Kuwait (yes, two pregnant ladies- one of whom is in critical condition- I tweeted the link so check my tweets for that because I can’t be bothered to copy paste), USA, Mongolia.. It is on the loose again so it is time our doctors automatically checked if our kids are showing these symptoms.
Chances are oodie’s test will come back negative because it was too late for him to be tested- the fever had passed and I think originally it was said the test should be done when fever is present.
Who knows. Either way- positive vibes please. I need my babies better.

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