Fashion Magazine

Sweet Valentine | Outfit

By Kristina Suko @eccentricowl

Sweet Valentine | www.eccentricowl.comSweet Valentine |

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Growing up, my parents gave all of us kids Valentines+chocolate, my cousins and I always had a Valentine’s tea party (which we do to this day!), and my brothers and I always exchanged Valentines. So I never really hated the day, even through the years of being single (and being one of the last single friends); to me, Valentine’s day has always been about showing everyone you care about that you love them. I am naturally a romantic, so of course I always wished I had a special someone, but to be honest, I’ve always looked forward more to the chocolate than anything else on Valentine’s day. So sue me, I have a sweet tooth.

Sweet Valentine |
Sweet Valentine |

This Valentine’s day is a little different. Nehemiah and I celebrated last night, and I secretly made yesterday my Valentine’s day because today I’m committing to a healthier lifestyle. I don’t talk about weight gain or loss a lot here any more (ever since someone mentioned anonymously that it seemed like I was always on-and-off again with Paleo and all that… which was totally true). I never want to make someone feel as though I think my health standards are universal (they aren’t! My standards are for myself only!). But last week I weighed in at the heaviest I’ve ever been while not pregnant, and only 8 lbs lighter than my heaviest pregnancy weight.

It was a sobering realization, and the wake-up call I needed to get my food priorities straight. From today on, I’m going to practice intuitive eating, as my biggest downfall by far is eating when I am not hungry. I am an emotional eater, and with some added stress lately (toddler sleep issues) I’ve let myself fall to food as a stress reliever.

Sweet Valentine |

I am not aspiring to get a super-skinny  bod, because let’s face it: I am really not built that way. And I’m okay with the body type that I have — one that is fuller in the hips and thighs and belly. And, most importantly, skinny does not always equal healthy. But I do want to be strong and healthy, able to keep up with my kids or go on a hike, and I really want to wear some of my favorite clothes again.

Sweet Valentine |
Sweet Valentine |

I didn’t mean to make this post about weight, but hey. That’s how life is. Unexpected. Feel free to check in on how I am doing if you want to help keep me encouraged and on-track! I always appreciate people who are willing to help me along (and if you have any things that have helped you stay healthy, please do share!)

Sweet Valentine |
Sweet Valentine |
Sweet Valentine |

Cardigan, brooch, and shoes, thrifted | skirt, Modcloth | tights, Target | headband, gift from Hannah

Here’s to learning how to celebrate a day of love without chocolate.

It’s gonna be hard. (not.)

Happy Sunday!


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