Food & Drink Magazine

Sweet and Sour Pork Rib 糖醋排骨

By Rumblingtummy @RumblingTummi
Today, we shall have Sweet and sour pork rib 糖醋排骨.  I think from now on, I will just buy baby back rib for all my pork rib dishes.  I hardly cook ribs as I find that it is not meaty most of the time.  Since now I change to a new butcher, it is his recommendation to get the baby back ribs.
Sweet and sour pork rib  糖醋排骨
Learning experience:
For mouthfeel, I am beginning to like baby back ribs.  It is meaty and fulfilling.
Since I don't have 陈醋, I substitute with 果醋.
This turned out really good and my family gives a thumbs up for it.
What you need:
700g baby back ribs2 tbsp + 2 tbsp rice wine1 spring onion, cut into segment20g ginger, smashed and sliced
35g rock sugar25g black vinegar 陈醋1 tsp salt5g light soya sauce10g dark soya sauce (optional)
White sesame seed, toasted (garnish)
Mix marinate.  Set aside.
Heat a wok of water and blanch pork rib, add rice wine to it.  Bring to a boil and remove scum.  Drain.
Heat wok, add oil to coat the wok, remove excess oil.
Add in blanched rib and cook for 3 mins.
Add in spring onion, ginger and rice wine and cook for 2 mins.
Add in the marinade and toss into the ribs to coat evenly.
Add enough water to slightly cover the ribs, bring to a boil.  Lower heat and simmer for 40 mins or until marinade thickens.
Sprinkle toasted sesame (oops I forgot to add this).
Serve with jasmine rice.
Sweet and sour pork rib  糖醋排骨 If you have enjoyed this post by Rumbling Tummy, be sure to follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter

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