Celeb Magazine

Susan Sarandon: Hillary-supporter Debra Messing is ‘not Very Well Informed’

Posted on the 03 May 2017 by Sumithardia

Susan Sarandon has been canceled for months now. She was a Bernie-or-Buster, then she endorsed Jill Stein, but only after encouraging Bernie supporters to either stay home or leave the door open to vote for Donald Trump because, in Sarandon’s words, if Trump won at least he would kick-start the revolution. After Trump became America’s Emperor For Life, Sarandon has obviously been actively avoiding any blame. Blame is probably the wrong word to use – Sarandon doesn’t even want to be mildly criticized for her various asinine statements during and after the election. She still believes all of this was worth it because people are “awake” now.
Well, about a year ago, when we all younger and more naive, Sarandon went on Chris Hayes’ MSNBC show and she said many stupid words about Bernie, Trump and Hillary. Debra Messing – a longtime Hillary Clinton supporter – tweeted about Sarandon and then there was a Twitter beef between the two women. While I don’t care much for Debra personally, I’ve never had a problem with her politics – she’s a liberal Democrat and she supported Clinton because of Clinton’s stances on women’s issues, equal pay, reproductive rights, healthcare issues and more. So… long story short, Susan Sarandon was asked about Debra Messing and the Twitter beef on Watch What Happens Live:
When Sarandon appeared on Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live show Monday night, he asked her if she has run into Messing in real life since their feud began last year.
“Yes,” Sarandon said, laughing, before adding that she has spotted Messing at some Rangers games in New York, but “she never says anything to me in person.”
“You know, I just think she’s — she’s not very well informed,” Sarandon said, dismissively of Messing. “And so sometimes she gets in areas that she really hasn’t thought through, maybe. She’s Trumpian a little, like that.”

[From The Daily Beast]
I’m including the video below. I honestly feel like if I ever saw Sarandon in person, I could easily lose my temper and smack the smug off of her face. How dare she call Debra Messing “not very well informed”? Bitch, sit down. Messing’s tweets are sometimes hard to read (it’s like she’s writing in code sometimes) but she’s a well-informed, intelligent woman who feels passionately about many vital political issues. And to compare Messing to Trump… ugh, Jesus, Susan.

Debra tweeted some sh-t about this too.
That's odd. @DebraMessing has helped my campaign and many others. Was @SusanSarandon well informed about my race or helping others? NOPE https://t.co/appwhxYpXh
— Khary Penebaker (@kharyp) May 2, 2017

The work continues @kharyp . https://t.co/f7lshfzCND
— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) May 2, 2017

Our work continues @AndreaChalupa . https://t.co/LwWWNsVOP8
— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) May 2, 2017

Photos courtesy of WENN.

Source: celebitchy.com

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