Italian Language Workshop (Photo credit: Context Travel)
Survival, I think this is the best word to describe the phrases learners are interested to know especially when they travel to a foreign country. When they choose to go to Italy, they really need to survive there; survival in a sense that at least, they know even a couple of words and phrases that they can use when they are in the country.
You and I both know that knowing just a bundle of Italian phrases are not enough to—well, survive in Italian-speaking countries. Nonetheless, it’s not bad to make a brief start through these phrases, right? Here are the phrases you need. At least you are able to learn Italian language, even just a bit.
Si. Yes.
No. No.
Per favore. Please.
Grazie. Thank you.
Prego. You’re welcome.
Mi scusi. Excuse me.
Mi dispiace. I am sorry.
Buon giorno. Good morning.
Buona sera. Good evening.
Buona notte. Good night.
These are the basics of all basic Italian phrases. Here are the more basic ones.
Parla inglese? Do you speak English?
C’è qualcuno che parla inglese? Does anyone here speak English?
Mi dispiace, ma non parlo bene l’italiano. I’m sorry, I don’t speak Italian very well.
So soltanto un po’ di italiano. I only speak a little Italian.
Come si chiama, Lei? What is your name?
Mi chiamo Martin. My name is Martin.
Le presento Caterina. This is Caterina.
Come sta? How are you?
Sto bene, grazie. I’m fine, thank you.
Piacere. I am pleased to meet you.
È stato un piacere conoscerla. It was nice to meet you.
Non capisco. I don’t understand.
Scusi, che cosa ha detto? Excuse me, what did you say?
Può parlare lentamente? Could you speak more slowly?
Capisco benissimo. I understand perfectly.
Buona giornata! Have a nice day!
Regardless of these phrases provided for you, I personally recommend you to have a formal learning at language schools. It’s easy to say these words for some occasions, but you don’t have to settle for these. You can choose to increase your knowledge by going to a real learning. Besides, you’ll never know where such learning will take you at all. It might take you in the global perspective.