Last week’s Supergirl, “In Search of Lost Time” (3×15), really delved into not only the relationship between J’onn J’onzz (David Harewood) and his father, M’yrnn J’onzz (Carl Lumbly), but also the increasing effects that M’yrnn’s dementia has on those around him.
Last week’s episode really felt far more emotional for me, personally, when it came to the storyline with M’yrnn’s dementia while this week I just found myself a little disappointed that there seemed to be story opportunities that they didn’t take advantage of (the only reason I could really think of was that it might feel too repetitive with the coming episodes). I did really like how they sort of did the same sort of feeling arc as they did in “Schott Through the Heart” (3×14) where we had this fun moment in the beginning and it just gets more serious and grim before coming full circle to a family moment towards the end. I think that overall, that’s extremely important because you can certainly still have so many feels but it doesn’t keep you holding tight to the bad throughout the entire episode.
It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve had like a family game night and it was so nice to see that they’ve expanded it to include J’onn and M’yrnn (who doesn’t seem to be taking to any of the game rules and just trying to enjoy things). Kara (Melissa Benoist), Alex (Chlyer Leigh), Winn (Jeremy Jordan), and James (Mehcad Brooks) seem to be very much enjoying M’yrnn being there especially when he revealed his son had an imaginary friend named Zook (I seriously thought that he was going to say Mxyzptlk (Peter Gadiot) for a moment from “Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk” (2×13)). Another light note is definitely when Kara goes to jump into Supergirl mode and doesn’t rip her shirt open like normal…because it’s her favorite shirt — it’s cute, adorable, and way overdue for us to see!
When talks of Pestilence comes up at the DEO, Kara decides that it’s time that Mon-El (Chris Wood) trains her. The first bit of training we see is them analyzing Worldkiller fight style and how they could do better with fighting them. This brings in turn brings up cape tricks and how that could come in handy. I think this whole thing is a nice full circle kind of thing since Kara was originally the one to train Mon-El. We get to see his ‘old costume’, which is very much a nod to the comic book version, and it also has a cape. The costumes are definitely neat side by side, but I am curious if Mon-El ever wore a sigil on his old costume since it’s obviously got the space on the chest for one. The fact that Kara is affected by M’yrnn in this episode bothered me mainly because they never even vaguely explained how it was possible since she’s supposed to be immune to Green Martian mind powers. I did, however, find the scenes where Kara told off Mon-El as very reminiscent to red kryptonite Kara in “Falling” (1×16), where Kara said things that she felt deep down and were true…but she wouldn’t ever say out loud to her sister and especially not in that way.
Another inconsistency that bothered me was that it didn’t seem like who is affected (human-wise) in the DEO with the spillover of M’yrnn’s powers. It would seem like the entire DEO would be at each other’s throats in the first instance. It’s clear that J’onn knows (or at least has a strong suspicion) what’s going on at this point, but seemed to have a feeling about it when he had brought his father lunch just a bit earlier. At first, J’onn says that he’s putting up a psychic field to protect people, but all I could think of was when he was trying to protect Alex in “Myriad” (1×19) and how he couldn’t keep her shielded. When there’s the call moments later to pull out psychic dampeners for DEO personnel, it reminded me more of Jemm (Charles Halford) in “Human for a Day” (1×07) than Psi (Yael Grobglas) from “Triggers” (3×02). These are obviously limited because not everyone has one and all hell eventually breaks lose again. The releasing of the alien prisoners actually reminded me of the Torchwood episode, “End of Days” (1×13)…and it got me thinking about how similar the shows sort of are.
When M’yrnn’s powers are just getting to be too much and he’s basically overpowering J’onn, I felt like there was a lost opportunity since it’s basically rage that’s being released for the others to really come fully to J’onn’s rescue even though they say later that it was time that they took care of him since he’s always taking care of the rest of them. The other thing that I was sort of expecting was for Alex to be affected differently and possibly targeted a bit since it seemed logical that she might be blamed for revealing the truth before (even if she didn’t).
It’s been quiet in the last couple of episodes with Lena (Katie McGrath) and Sam (Odette Annable) while there’s been focus on other characters, but we definitely get to see what’s been going on and it’s quite a huge thing even if the episode doesn’t focus on them. I think it’s because it’s just so emotional. Lena has been studying Sam while she’s been in an unconscious state in an L Corp lab in order to find out what’s wrong with her and figures out that Sam is mutating, but that she has to wake her up and escalate her in order to further investigate what’s going on. Basically, Sam is being held against her will and Lena has to resort to telling Sam that she’s Reign and when that’s not enough she presses buttons like how Sam isn’t really a mother and how she’s never going to see Ruby (Emma Tremblay) again…and that finally brings out Reign. This is very much inspired by James’ advice to Lena about, “No matter how badly you can help someone, all you can do is hold up a mirror”. She plays back the recording of her turning into Reign to Sam and she finally believes Lena. From what it looks like, Lena must have access to kryptonite (she is a Luthor after all, Lex probably had some extra she just borrowed), which is how she took down Reign and got Sam back. It’s extremely emotional and Sam actually calls Ruby and tells her she’s in the hospital, but after when Lena’s trying to assure Sam that Ruby will be okay and that she’s safe…Sam snaps at her, “Don’t tell me where she is. You keep her away from me until I’m cured.” It’s clear that there’s so many emotions and we get this bookend of a moment between Lena and James where they talk about how some things in their lives will have to be private for various reasons, but then they have this sweet dinner together.
The final thing we see in this episode is sort of a teaser for what’s coming, the final Worldkiller appearing…as birds drop from the sky.
What did you think of this episode? Did you connect more to one storyline this week over the other? What are you looking forward to most in the remaining episodes of this season? Tell us below!