
Super Auto Pets Tier List – December 2021

Posted on the 24 December 2021 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 24 December, 2021

Super Auto Pets Tier List  -All the pest ranked from Tier 6 (the best) to Tier 1 (the worst) in one list – also the expansion pack pets

Super Auto Pets Tier List – Tier 6

  • Boar: 8 Attack, 6 Health| lvl 1: +2/+2 | lvl 2: +4/+4 | lvl 3: +6/+6
  • Dragon: 6 Attack, 8 Health| lvl 1: all friends +1/+1| lvl 2: +2/+2| lvl 3: +3/+3
  • Cat: 5 Attack, 3 Health| lvl 1: food effects x2| lvl 2: x3| lvl 3: x4
  • Fly: 1 Attack, 3 Health| lvl 1: summon 5/5 fly| lvl 2: 10/10| lvl 3: 15/15
  • Snake: 6 Attack, 6 Health| lvl 1: friend ahead attacks 5 dmg random| lvl 2: 10 dmg| lvl 3: 15 dmg
  • Mammoth: 3 Attack, 10 Health| lvl 1: all friends +2/+2| lvl 2: +4/+4| lvl 3: +6/+6
  • Leopard: 10 Attack, 4 Health | lvl 1: 50% dmg to random| lvl 2: x2 random| lvl 3: x3 random
  • Gorilla: 6 Attack, 9 Health | lvl 1: Coconut Shield| lvl 2: Coconut Shield| lvl 3: Coconut Shield
  • Tiger: 4 Attack, 3 Health| lvl 1: friend ahead reapeats ability as lvl 1| lvl 2: as lvl 2| lvl 3: as lvl 3

Expansion Pack 1

  • Octopus: 8 Attack, 8 Health | lvl 1: +8/+8 | lvl 2: +8/+8 + ability | lvl 3: 5 dmg to all
  • Sauropod: 4 Attack, 12 Health | lvl 1: buy food =+1 gold | lvl 2: +2 gold | lvl 3: +3 gold
  • Tyrannosaurus: 9 Attack, 4 Health | lvl 1: if 3 or more gold +2/+1 | lvl 2: +4/+2 | lvl 3: +6/+3

Super Auto Pets Tier List – Tier 5

  • Monkey: 1 Attack, 2 Health| lvl 1: right most friend +3/+3 | lvl 2: +6/+6 | lvl 3: +12/+12
  • Rhino: 5 Attack, 8 Health| lvl 1: 4 dmg to 1st enemy | lvl 2: 8 dmg | lvl 3: 12 dmg
  • Cow: 4 Attack, 6 Health| lvl 1: +1/+2 | lvl 2: +2/+4 | lvl 3: +3/+6 (replace food shop)
  • Crocodile: 8 Attack, 4 Health| lvl 1: start of battle 8 dmg to last enemy | lvl 2: 16 dmg | lvl 3: 24 dmg (replace food shop)
  • Turkey: 3 Attack, 4 Health| lvl 1: friend summoned +3/+3 | lvl 2: +6/+6 | lvl 3: +9/+9
  • Seal: 3 Attack, 8 Health| lvl 1: 2 random friends +1/+1 | lvl 2: +2/+2 | lvl 3: +3/+3
  • Shark: 4 Attack, 4 Health| lvl 1: +2/+1 | lvl 2: +4/+2 | lvl 3: +6/+3
  • Scorpion: 1 Attack, 1 Health | No ability

Expansion Pack 1

  • Chicken: 1 Attack, 2 Health | lvl 1: buy tier 1 pet and give current and future shop pets +1/+1 | lvl 2: +2/+2 | lvl 3: +3/+3
  • Eagle: 6 Attack, 5 Health | lvl 1:summon lvl1 tier 6 | lvl 2: lvl 2 | lvl 3: lvl 3
  • Goat: 4 Attack, 6 Health | lvl 1: gain 1 gold if friend bought | lvl 2: 2 gold | lvl 3: 3 gold
  • Poodl: 2 Attack, 2 Health | lvl 1: +1/+1 to one pet of each tier | lvl 2: +2/+2 | lvl 3: +3/+3

Super Auto Pets Tier List – Tier 4

  • Deer: 1 Attack, 1 Health| lvl 1: summon 5/5 bush splash atk | lvl 2: 10/10 | lvl 3: 15/15
  • Bison: 6 Attack, 6 Health| lvl 1: if x1 lvl 3 friend +2/+2 | lvl 2: +4/+4 | lvl 3: +6/+6
  • Whale: 2 Attack, 6 Health
  • Hippo: 4 Attack, 7 Health| lvl 1: +2/+2 | lvl 2: +4/+4 | lvl 3: +6/+6
  • Dolphin: 4 Attack, 6 Health| lvl 1: 5 dmg to lowest health | lvl 2: 10 | lvl 3: 15
  • Penguin: 1 Attack, 2 Health| lvl 1: +1/+1 to lvl 2 & 3 friends | lvl 2: +2/+2 | lvl 3: +3/+3
  • Worm: 2 Attack, 2 Health| lvl 1: shop food +1/+1 | lvl 2: +2/+2 | lvl 3: +3/+3
  • Squirrel: 2 Attack, 2 Health| lvl 1: -1 gold shop food | lvl 2: -2 gold | lvl 3: -3 gold
  • Rooster: 5 Attack, 3 Health| lvl 1: summon x1 chick with 50% atk | lvl 2: x2 chick | lvl 3: x3 chick
  • Skunk: 3 Attack, 6 Health| lvl 1: -33% highest health | lvl 2: -66% | lvl 3: -99%
  • Parrot: 6 Attack, 3 Health| lvl 1: copu ability pet ahead as lvl 1 | lvl 2: as lvl 2 | lvl 3: as lvl 3

Expansion Pack 1

  • Buffalo: 5 Attack, 5 Health | lvl 1: friend bought +1/+1 | lvl 2: +2/+2 | lvl 3: +3/+3
  • Llama: 3 Attack, 6 Health | lvl 1: if 4 or less pets +2/+2 | lvl 2: +4/+4 | lvl 3: +6/+6
  • Lobster: 4 Attack, 5 Health | lvl 1: Friend summoned +2/+2 | lvl 2: +4/+4 | lvl 3: +6/+6
  • Microbe: 1 Attack, 1 Health | lvl 1: makes all pets weak +2/+2 | lvl 2: makes all pets weak | lvl 3: makes all pets weak

Super Auto Pets Tier List – Tier 3

  • Badger: 5 Attack, 4 Health | lvl 1: Atk dmg to adjacent | lvl 2: x2 | lvl 3: x3
  • Giraffe: 2 Attack, 5 Health | lvl 1: friend ahead +1/+1 | lvl 2: +2/+2 | lvl 3: +3/+3
  • Kangaroo: 1 Attack, 2 Health | lvl 1: +2/+2 | lvl 2: +4/+4 | lvl 3: +6/+6
  • Blowfish: 3 Attack, 5 Health| lvl 1: 2 dmg random | lvl 2: 4 dmg | lvl 3: 6 dmg
  • Camel: 2 Attack, 5 Health| lvl 1: give friend behind +1/+2 | lvl 2: +2/+4 | lvl 3: +3/+6
  • Dog: 2 Attack, 2 Health| lvl 1: +1 Atk or Health | lvl 2: +2 | lvl 3: +4
  • Ox: 1 Attack, 4 Health | lvl 1: Melon Armor & +2 atk | lvl 2: MA & +4 atk | lvl 3: MA & +6 atk
  • Snail: 2 Attack, 2 Health| lvl 1: after loosing all friends +2/+1 | lvl 2: +4/+2 | lvl 3: +6/+3
  • Rabbit: 3 Attack, 2 Health| lvl 1: +1 Health | lvl 2: +2 | lvl 3: +3
  • Sheep: 2 Attack, 2 Health| lvl 1: summon x2 2/2 rams | lvl 2: 4/4 rams | lvl 3: 6/6 rams
  • Turtle: 1 Attack, 2 Health| lvl 1: Melon Armor x1 friend behind | lvl 2: x2 friends | lvl 3: x3 friends

Expansion Pack 1

  • Caterpillar: 1 Attack, 3 Health | lvl 1: +1xp | lvl 2: +1xp | lvl 3: Evolve into a Butterfly
  • Hatching Chick: 1 Attack, 1 Health | lvl 1: +1/+1 to friend ahead | lvl 2: +2/+2 | lvl 3: +1 xp to friend ahead
  • Owl: 5 Attack, 3 Health | lvl 1: random friend +2/+2 | lvl 2: +4/+4 | lvl 3: +6/+6
  • Puppy: 1 Attack, 1 Health | lvl 1: if +3 gold +2/+2 | lvl 2: +4/+4 | lvl 3: +6/+6
  • Tropical Fish: 2 Attack, 4 Health | lvl 1: give adjacent friends +1 health | lvl 2: +2 | lvl 3: +3

Super Auto Pets Tier List – Tier 2

  • Dog: 2 Attack, 2 Health | lvl 1: friend summon +1/+1 | lvl 2: friend summon +2/+2. | lvl 3: friend summon +3/+3
  • Crab: 3 Attack, 3 Health | lvl 1: Health from healthy friend | lvl 2: Health from healthy friend | lvl 3: Health from healthy friend
  • Dodo: 2 Attack, 3 Health | lvl 1: Start of battle: Give 50% of Dodo’s Attack to friend ahead | lvl 2: 100%. | lvl 3: 150%
  • Elephant: 3 Attack, 5 Health | lvl 1: 1 damage to friend behind | lvl 2: 2 friends | lvl 3: 2 friends
  • Rat: 4 Attack, 5 Health | lvl 1: Summon one 1/1 Dirty Rat | lvl 2: Summon one 1/1 Dirty Rat | lvl 3: Summon one 1/1 Dirty Rat
  • Flamingo: 3 Attack, 1 Health | lvl 1: Give 2 friends behind  +1/+1| lvl 2: +2/+2. | lvl 3: +3/+3
  • Peacock: 1 Attack, 5 Health | lvl 1: Gain +2 Attack. | lvl 2: Gain +4 Attack.. | lvl 3: Gain +6 Attack.
  • Hedgehog: 3 Attack, 2 Health | lvl 1: 2 damage to all | lvl 2: 4 damage to all. | lvl 3: 6 damage to all.
  • Swan: 3 Attack, 3 Health | lvl 1: Gain 1 gold (start) | lvl 2: Gain 2 gold (start) | lvl 3: Gain 3 gold (start)
  • Shrimp: 2 Attack, 3 Health | lvl 1: Give friend +1 Health | lvl 2: Give friend +2 Health | lvl 3: Give friend +3 Health
  • Spider: 2 Attack, 2 Health | lvl 1: Summon a level 1 tier 3 | lvl 2: Summon a level 2 tier 3 | lvl 3: Summon a level 3 tier 3 +6/+3

Expansion Pack 1

  • Bat: 1 Attack, 2 Health | lvl 1:make 1 enemy weak | lvl 2: 2 | lvl 3: 3
  • Dromedary: 3 Attack, 5 Health | lvl 1: shop pets +1/+1 | lvl 2: +2/+2 | lvl 3: +3/+3
  • Tabby Cat: 5 Attack, 3 Health | lvl 1: give friends +1 atk | lvl 2: +2 | lvl 3: +3

Super Auto Pets Tier List – Tier 1

  • Ant: 2 Attack, 1 Health | lvl 1: friend +2/+1 | lvl 2: friend +4/+2. | lvl 3: friend +6/+3
  • Beaver: 2 Attack, 2 Health | lvl 1: 2 friends +1 Health | lvl 2: 2 friends +2 Health | lvl 3: 2 friends +3 Health
  • Cricket: 1 Attack, 2 Health | lvl 1: Summon 1/1 | lvl 2: Summon 2/2 | lvl 3: Summon 3/3
  • Duck: 1 Attack, 2 Health | lvl 1: shop pets +1 Health | lvl 2: shop pets +2 Health | lvl 3: shop pets +3 Health
  • Fish: 2 Attack, 3 Health | lvl 1: all friends +1/+1 | lvl 2: all friends +2/+2 | lvl 3 :NA
  • Horse: 2 Attack, 1 Health | lvl 1: Friend summon +1 Atk | lvl 2: Friend summon +2 Atk | lvl 3: Friend summon +3 Atk
  • Otter: 1 Attack, 2 Health | lvl 1: friend +1/+1 | lvl 2: friend +2/+2. | lvl 3: friend +3/+3
  • Mosquito: 2 Attack, 2 Health | lvl 1: Start of battle Deal dmg| lvl 2: Start of battle Deal dmg. | lvl 3: Start of battle Deal dmg
  • Pig: 3 Attack, 1 Health | lvl 1: Gain +1 gold | lvl 2:Gain +2 gold. | lvl 3: Gain +3 gold
  • Sloth: 1 Attack, 1 Health | No abilities

Expansion Pack 1

  • Beetle: 2 Attack, 3 Health | lvl 1: give shop pets 1 health | lvl 2: 2 | lvl 3: 3
  • Bluebird: 2 Attack, 1 Health | lvl 1: left most friend +1 atk | lvl 2: +2 | lvl 3: +3
  • Ladybug: 1 Attack, 3 Health | lvl 1: +1/+1 | lvl 2: +2/+2 | lvl 3: +3/+3

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