Environment Magazine

Sunshine is a Welcome Thing. It Brings a Lot of Brightness.

Posted on the 03 November 2016 by Inciner8 @inciner8ltd
Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness.

Our award winning Research & Development team has been busy putting more innovative ideas into reality. Our latest concept is now moving into production - The Solar Incinerator.

How does it work? Sunshine Welcome Thing. Brings Brightness.Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness.

Quite Simply, we harness the power of the sun! We then use a number of patent pending processes to convert this energy into power to run our incinerator. NO FUEL IS REQUIRED.

On the roof is a folded array of solar panels that open out to provide a large area capable of capturing enough sunlight to power the system. Who is it for?

The entire unit is housed in a self-contained 20 ft high cube container. Inside there is a modified incinerator and the custom control panel.

The solar incinerator is ideal for a number of scenarios:

  • Remote Communities
  • Refugee Camps
  • Early Exploration Bases
  • Rural Areas with no amenities
  • Temporary camps or bases.
Where will it work?

Not only will it destroy your waste, but it will also supply a regular stream of electricity that can be used for emergency lighting, USB phone charging etc.

Sunshine Welcome Thing. Brings Brightness.

The most ideal location for this unit is where there is plenty of sunshine. Although this technology will work best typically in tropic and equatorial regions it isn't exclusively for use there, in fact anywhere where there are 6+ hours of sunshine per day on average will see great results from this incinerator.

Global Iridescence - 2015 In some regions it may be possible to utilise a parabolic condenser to focus the limited sunlight onto the solar array to achieve the power requirements of the solar incinerator. Want to register your interest?
Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness.

At this stage we are collecting details of all parties who are interested and will be sending more information on our progress over the next couple of months. If you are interested in purchasing this unit, please contact our sales team on +44 (0) 1704 884020 or email [email protected]

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