This interview of Sunny Leone will make you respect her more than any other bollywood celebrity. Here you have to watch the interview of Sunny Leone’s with CNN IBN journalist Bhupendra Chaubey. During her interview actress mentioned she was not forced to be a pornstar. She wasn’t assaulted, forced, or raped. She ‘chose’ to be pornstar. And she’s not apologetic for her selection of career, not one bit.
Does her selection of being a pornstar makes her morally corrupt? Does that mean she’s a bad influence on the Indian audience? We think ‘Yes’ from thepoint of view of journalist Bhupendra Chaubey.
But wait, Sunny Leone’s still not embarrassed. This interview of Sunny is something the whole nation needs to see. Watch the stunning Sunny Leone take down a journalist with beautiful grace and make the country realize how regressive his mindset is. Way to go Sunny Leone!
We are sure after seeing he video you will feel Sunny Leone is sensible, sensitive and far more responsible than most of the celebrities we love to idolize.
Highlights from the Interview –
The only one regret in life and that was when my mother passed away didn’t get home.
I don’t have really any professional regrets
I’m a human being and a woman too , I definitely get upset but I don’t show anybody then I’m upset. If any one doesn’t want to work with me or not they actually doesn’t affect my life at all. I work every single day and I’m very happy for that. I am dreamer like any other person but first and foremost I’m a business person. I wasn’t abused it wasn’t beaten I wasn’t molested. I was not admired to become a pornstar. I have my own husband and I love him a lot, He is very smart. I would like to work with Aamir Khan. In my next movie I am my role is completely opposite to role of Mastizaade. People’s negativity and thoughts does not effect me a bit.