The critics ripped it apart from Sunil has managed to salvage the box office of ‘Bheemavaram Bullodu’ and how. The film has performed very well in its opening weekend after releasing midweek on a holiday. It surprised the trade as the word of mouth on the day 1 of the film was clearly not positive.
This performance has given further boost to the box office clout of Sunil as a solo hero. The performance of the film especially among the smaller centers even after the weekend has been an eye opener for sure for many.
With the success of ‘Bheemavaram Bullodu’, Sunil now has three clean solo successes like Maryada Ramanna, Poolarangadu and Bheemavaram Bullodu along with a multi-starrer success like Thadaka. The performances clearly indicate Sunil to be a bankable star now at the box office especially at the smaller centers.