Fashion Magazine

Sundaze 31

By Winyeemichelle
Sundaze 31 Englandlifestylesunday

Sundaze 31

Sundaze 31

Brighton, p-updates and going away. 
一. Today has been one of those lovely, lazy Sundays with no obligations to move or get dressed or any of those loose end-of-weekend commitments. I mean, it’s damn cold and I’m that sort of post-occasion-drained that only a true introvert understands, you know? My boyfriend and I spent our Saturday in beautiful Brighton(!!) and we had the best time hunting Pokemon, dipping in and out of coffee shops and lazing around on the beach. We just celebrated 4 months together and I had the best day.
Sundaze 31

二. This week has rushed by in a blur of work-related goodness. I feel like I’ve been both chilled and rushed off my feet in equal measure. Does anybody else get this?! I also went to visit a room that could be a future studio and it made me realize just how far I’ve come! I probably won’t take on the studio but it was nice all the same.
Sundaze 31 Sundaze 31

三. In the evenings, I’ve been slowly but surely preparing posts to schedule here on Daisybutter whilst I’m away next month. I’m hoping to have around 3/4 posts up a week just to keep things ticking over as I’ve a notebook full of titles and I didn’t want to let those go to waste. I’ve also got a few spots open if you’d like to guest post here! Drop me an email at [email protected] and we can chat (:
四.It’s actually been a few weeks now since Apink’s comeback but I just HAD to talk about my best six girls on here. Dayum, I’m low-key obsessed with Pink Revolution and Only One. Not a fan of the album in its’ entirety but Fairy is such a sweet track, right? I’ve also just caught up with their episode of Weekly Idol and just about died. Those outfits! That hair! And Hyungdon is finally back!!

五. The star of my week, like every week, has been my cutie pup Milo. I can’t cope with how smart he is nowadays! I’ve just penned a p-update post on him that you can expect to read soon. He’s been soaking up the autumn by coaxing leaves - stay with me…! - to chase him on autumnal morning walks. And, you know, by that I mean we take him out, wrapped up extra warm, especially when a breeze is out. This darn puppy…!
Sundaze 31

六. Last but not least, let me extend the warmest of THANK YOU’S to you lot for the wonderful response to my post on growing out of friendships. Whenever I write lengthier pieces like these, I try not to read them back once it’s gone live because I’m terrified of which way the response will go but you guys have completely reassured me once more that I’m not alone in my thoughts. In fact, they often spur me into a spiral of new thoughts, so you can expect a few more meaty posts to come.

Links I’ve Loved:

  • Kim’s post on using her Traveller’s Notebook to create a gratitude journal was a top read for me! I feel like I’m forever banging on about these but I not-so-recently threw two of mine away because I no longer felt happy when flicking through them. Totally starting this in my own Traveller’s Notebook tomorrow!
  • My brother and I sat in complete disbelief after reading this open letter to the creators of Disney’s Mulan. I’m sure you’re no stranger to the whole Mulan controversy, but after the whitewashing cast debate, we’re now into hot water of the creators supposedly changing the storyline of the film whereby Mulan is saved by a male European merchant, thus removing Mulan’s role as the Chinese female heroine. Say what?
  • I really enjoyed this article on Miho’s blog discussing her feelings towards living in a country where she feels the views no longer align with her own. And I get it. I too have been struggling with visualising myself remaining (lol) in England post-Brexit, a country where suddenly racism is overt and awry and I’m unsure if I’d like to settle in my own home country or if I’d happily raise a family here.
  • Finally in an all too similar vein, Dani wrote about an incident where she was involved in somebody else’s thinly veiled racist remark and she weighs up the reasons she’s never totally sure of where she belongs.

Posts This Week:

  • What I’m Watching Lately. - A rundown of 6 things that I’ve watched lately and that I recommend to you!
  • Growing out of friendships. - My honest thoughts on my friendship circle growing smaller over time, how it’s actually pretty normal and why I’m okay with that.
  • 9 AW16 Boots To Buy Now. - My picks of boots to buy now because it’s cold af.
  • The One Where I Can’t Believe I Lived Without A Kenwood Spiralizer. - My review of Kenwood’s electric spiralizer and a mini recipe.

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