Sundaze 22
Plenty of plans, the EU ref and werkwerkwerkwerkwerk.
Work has kicked my peachy buttbutt again this week. I seem to be completely out of sync with my napping and sleeping routine and 9am is just an awful time, right? I have however managed to squeeze in plenty of quality time with friends and family.
一. Monday saw us treat Papa Daisy to a belated Father’s Day dinner at a local steakhouse. On Tuesday I popped into London to hang out with Cherie and Hanh for dinner at The Gate and share all the secrets and stories! It’s always lovely meeting up and hanging out with new bloggers - just how lucky are we to have all found such a supportive group of like-minded gals and creatives?! I also sneaked off for a very mini date at Regent’s Canal with my boyfriend which perfectly perked up a terrible week. And then on Wednesday, I got to hang out with my beloved godmother all the way from Hong Kong! We grabbed Vietnamese food at Pho & Bun on Shaftesbury Avenue and then wiled away some time in Fortnum & Mason, a failsafe combination.
二. It’s been a pretty heavy week for us British bloggers. As much as I like to keep things happy, lighthearted and kind on this blog, I do think that there’s a time to have your say and this week has been one of those. I’ve made no secret of the fact that I supported the Remain campaign in the EU referendum and, honestly? I’m disappointed, disheartened, frustrated and terrified of Friday’s result (here's some comprehensive coverage from The Guardian). I believe we’re stronger and better together, working in unique partnership with our fellow European countries and we’ve been so lucky to be in this position for more than 40 years. Whilst the EU has its downfalls and of course it is by no means perfect, I’m uneasy about the fact that 51.9% of this country decided we can go it alone. That the referendum highlighted just how divided this country has become. We can pretend all we like that we’re totes progressive and while we are on many levels, this is something I can’t stand back and watch. I’ve spent plenty of time discussing the referendum at length with friends and family and, let’s call them acquaintances, and I think I’m going to use this little segment to draw a line: onwards and upwards. Let’s love, laugh and work together to make the best of an awful situation. We’re better together, UK.
三. Headed out to London yesterday for a day of food and fun with Winnie and Zoe! Unfortunately Mandy was unwell so we were one squad member down, but we had plenty of fun anyway. We started off with the main event - lunch at Thomas’s Cafe in Burberry on Regent Street and I can confirm it was every part worth the wait. Sadly there are very few vegetarian options available, but it’s a small menu in the first place, so I can’t really fault them on that! Would 100% recommend their Peach Fizz drink, also! We then got caught up Pride madness and suddenly I felt much calmer and a smidgen prouder to be British, seeing the positivity and love in the city. Ten out of ten, London. We rounded off our afternoon with matcha sundaes and Hoijicha lattes at Tsujiri. Yum!
四. I finish up with one of my clients this week and I feel so sad! As much as I embrace my freelance life, I just love the office gossip, tea runs and lunch breaks with the girls. I’ve plotted in plenty of freelancer related content for the blog though that I’ll be sharing from next week onwards, as promised. I’ve got SO much planned on the work front and I’m excited to have a little more time to spend on furthering my business - eek! All will be revealed oh so soon.
五. Today I've had a pretty chilled day, the best sort of Sunday in my book. Like this post suggests, it's been a heavy week and I've been feeling anxious about the thought of foreigners being unwelcome, immigrants being unwelcome. Each morning I wake up feeling more uneasy that the last and so today I woke up, got ready, got my head up and heart up, cooked a little and took Milo for a lovely long walk. Stripping everything back to basics, minimal time spent reading on Twitter, watching the news and worrying, and focusing on the present, on my now.
Links I've Loved:
- I think we're all reeling from the news of the Brexit and Meg puts my thoughts so eloquently into words in this post. The news affects us all - our generation the most - and it certainly makes a worthwhile read.
- I've made no secret of how much I admire Ria and how she uses her blog to talk about important issues. I particularly love this poetry piece, post-referendum news.
- Miho writes one of my very favorite blogs and I absolutely loved seeing a new post pop up in my feed this week! She shared photos of a recent visit to Luberon and it made me instantly dream of flying away!
- This post from Jane was a fun read amidst a pretty grave week. I always love blog posts that shy away from the usual bread and butter formula!
Posts This Week:
- Saturday at Hampton Court Palace - A few photos from a day at Hampton Court Palace with my best friend. (read the post here)
- Postcard ; Yoyogi Park - I shared a fun postcard-style post of a little Tokyo memory. (read the post here)
- Why I Moved Home From Hong Kong - A candid recount of why I actually moved home from Hong Kong. Thank you to anybody that has left me a kind reply, you guys are the best. (read the post here)
- Oh, Leigh... - A little ode to my favorite jeans of every summer. (read the post here)