Food & Drink Magazine

Sunday Sweeties Recipe Linky #23 – Going Bananas

By Meltingmoments

Looking back at my recent recipes, I see a bit of a pattern. They mostly include bananas! Here is a collection of some Melting Moment’s banana recipes.

1. Tropical Chicken Sausage Curry

Sunday Sweeties Recipe Linky #23 – Going Bananas

2. Toddler Banana and Peanut Butter Wraps

Sunday Sweeties Recipe Linky #23 – Going Bananas

3. Banana and Blueberry Bread

Sunday Sweeties Recipe Linky #23 – Going Bananas

4. Golden Syrup and Banana Mini Muffins

Sunday Sweeties Recipe Linky #23 – Going Bananas

This was last week’s most clicked recipe by Kylie at Octavia & Vicky. I can’t wait to give these a go

We are biscuit lovers here.

Sunday Sweeties Recipe Linky #23 – Going Bananas

We can’t wait to see what you share this week!

Some guidelines for this week’s Sunday Sweeties Link Party:

1. Share a recipe or two with us (recipe linkies are welcome).

2. Please follow us on Networked Blogs or one of our other social connections. Add your social links at the linky down the bottom of this post so we can visit you there too

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