Lifestyle Magazine

Sunday Summary | The Deep

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
Sunday Summary | The DeepThis week I've been visiting new places, pushing my fitness with two classes and trying to incorporate some pastel colours into my monochrome wardrobe! I also received a very intriguing email and I have a meeting scheduled next month, which I'm rather excited least I think I should be excited. When I know more, I'll share the details!
On Friday I went on a solo drive north of the Tyne Tunnel and I'm pretty proud of that. I've never liked the Tyne Tunnel as a passenger, so to actually drive through it myself and not get lost on the other side finding my location, is a pretty good achievement. I was invited along for a sneak preview of the outfits for Manor Walks' Spring Fashion catwalk and an accessories masterclass. There'll be more on that in a blog post soon, so look out for that.

Yesterday I went on a little day trip to Hull to visit The Deep with Nick, who again, I've not seen in a ridiculously long time so it was lovely catching up and seeing penguins. We headed back via Beverley for lunch and went to this lovely pub which I'd definitely go back to if I was in the area. I feel like a bad blogger for not taking photos of the interior since it was pretty quirky with big lights and the comfiest chairs.

I've been to metafit and spinning this week and I'm heading out for a run soon, hopefully while the sun is still shining. It's 5 weeks exactly until my 10k and I really need to up my training since I've been quite lazy lately. Typically I seem to have something on every night this week after work (which never happens) so I'm going to work around that, then get myself out running over the bank holiday weekend. I set up my JustGiving page, so if you can spare even £1, I'd be so grateful. All the money is going to St Oswald's Hospice, a local charity.

This week I shared the outcome of a little recipe I followed, which seemed to go down really well. Let me know if you'd like to see more food related posts that are a little different. I also shared my favourite things from this month here. Next week I've got a food review and a sneak preview of an upcoming event to share with you. 

Hope you've had a great week.
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Sunday Summary | The DeepSunday Summary | The DeepSunday Summary | The DeepSunday Summary | The DeepSunday Summary | The DeepSunday Summary | The DeepSunday Summary | The DeepSunday Summary | The Deep

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