Lifestyle Magazine

Sunday Summary #50

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
hello freckles sunday summary heisenberg walter white grindsmiths coffeeThis week I had a coffee with Walter White, saw Taking Back Sunday for the second time, had a go at making a cocktail and blogged about takeaways!
On Thursday evening I went along to a new bar in Newcastle and rather than say too much now, I'll save it for a post coming early next week. It's safe to say it's gonna be really popular and I'm looking forward to going back.
On Friday, Andy and I went to Manchester to see Taking Back Sunday. We saw them back in March but when their latest tour dates were announced we decided to book a couple. I really enjoyed seeing them again and I did feel like I went back to my teenage years again slightly.Last time we were in Manchester, we went searching for the Breaking Bad street art, successfully finding Jesse and Hank but having no luck with Heisenberg (who had been painted over) I knew the artist had done another Heisenberg piece that was on display in one of the coffee shops, so naturally I had to find it and pay it a visit. The latte I had was really good too, I'm sure we'll be popping back in when we're next there.This weekend I went for a lovely family meal while my aunt has been up visiting, then for coffee again today before Christmas dinner with my boyfriend's family. His sister is going away over Christmas so we've had early celebrations today and it's been really good.This time last year I was on the plane to Berlin, whereas tonight I'll be catching up on YouTube and feeling super sniffly with this cold I seem to be developing. I've only got three days left at work next week before I'm off until January so hopefully I can shake it off in a few days and I won't spend my time off feeling rubbish.Hope you've had a great week!
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